Wax flower growing tips

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It is a curious plant where they exist. The wax flower (also known as'Hoya fleshy') is a climbing species that produces beautiful white and pink flowers. The star-shaped quilted flowers and fleshy leaves give the plant a somewhat peculiar appearance, which really seems to be made artificially.

It is an indoor plant of the family of the Apocynaceae that little care requires apart from the watered, so it is a good plant if you are one of those who does not have a lot of time to dedicate to gardening. If you liked seeing it, why don't you dare to grow one at home? We help you with your homework.

Characteristics of the wax flower

The wax flower is a hot climates plant, so even if it is inside the house we must make sure that the temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees, as well as in a good light environment that allows it to obtain the rays of the sun that are the ones that will favor flowering in spring.

However, if you must choose between leaving them all day in the powerful sun or having them in semi-shadow Always choose the second option, as very direct and continuous rays could damage it.

When you are not at home make sure not to leave no air source open, as this plant does not support wind currents.

Water a wax flower

The watering will not be a problem, because its fleshy flowers always have a water supply that helps them last longer without being watered. Therefore, it is preferable to be cautious when doing it and it is preferable to do it Moderately especially in winter, when the plants need to absorb less water and therefore it is necessary to wait for the substrate to dry before re-wetting it.

The only downside to this plant is its intense aroma, which at night can be uncomfortable to bear.

Growing and caring for the wax flower

  • Illumination: It needs to be in a very well lit place but not directly receiving the sun's rays.
  • Temperature: it does not resist the cold, so it cannot be at temperatures below 10ºC. Warm environments are the best for its cultivation.
  • I usually: the perfect one is one that has a substrate that is a mixture of leaves and heather soil.
  • Transplant: It is recommended to do only when the plant no longer fits in the pot, and always when the end of winter arrives. Transplants do not suit him very well, so the less the better.
  • Irrigation: It should be abundant during the summer and less frequently the rest of the year, so that the soil is always moist but not waterlogged. You will see that it is short of water because the leaves will become stiff.
  • Pruning: do not cut the peduncles of the withered flowers as it is the origin of the flowers that will come out in the following season.
  • Pass: use mineral fertilizer, every 15 days in spring-summer and once a month during autumn, at which time it is better to be organic compost. In winter you do not have to pay.

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