How to sow Cilantro and grow it

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Coriander, with a scientific name Coriandrum sativum and also known as coriander, chinese parsley or dania, is a plant native to the southern regions of Europe and North Africa.

It is an annual herb between 40 and 60 cm tall, typical of temperate climates. Being undemanding to cultivation, its use is widespread, and it is highly valued for its culinary, flavoring and even medicinal properties.

If you want to know how to sow coriander and grow it at home, join us in this Green Ecologist article.

Coriander properties for health and uses

The coriander fruits are widely used in the gastronomies of many countries, and the leaves are used in the preparation of chutney, green sauce and guacamole, as well as in many other recipes.

However, coriander also stands out for its proven medicinal properties. Enter the properties of coriander for health and its uses stands out that it is a plant with digestive, stimulant, bactericidal and antispasmodic properties. In addition, its bactericidal effect makes it useful to combat bad breath problems if its leaves are chewed, and the juice of the soft parts of the plant can be used as a natural body deodorant.

The coriander tea helps reduce cholesterol levels, and coriander juice can be applied to wounds for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Traditional medicine also attributes to it a use as an aphrodisiac and, in fact, this is mentioned in The Thousand and One Nights.

How to sow coriander step by step

At the time of sow corianderYou can do it directly outdoors, but since it is a plant that does not withstand frost or very intense heat, it is recommended to sow in a pot indoors if you are not very sure if your climate is suitable.

To choose the planting season of corianderOutdoors it is recommended to sow in spring for temperate climates, and in autumn in very hot climates. Indoors, you can sow at any time of the year if you place the pot in the right place.

  1. Prepare a pot with a generic substrate and about 25 cm deep. The important thing is that the mixture has good drainage, and you can add some fertilizer to it if you want to make sure that your coriander seeds grow well. Moisten the earth with water so that it does not puddle, and let the seeds fall, spreading them gently, and then cover them with a few more millimeters of substrate.
  2. Place the pot in a bright area, where it receives a good supply of natural light. If you live in a very hot climate, keep it away from the windows in the hours of hottest and highest incidence, but let it receive the sun the rest of the time. Keep the soil moist as well, but always without overdoing it and spraying the water gently so as not to move the seeds or seedlings. In about ten days your seeds should have germinated.
  3. Continue to maintain adequate watering and provide the plant with sufficient sunlight. The coriander growth process is not complicated nor does it need more additional care, so it should not take long to have your own plants soon, which you can harvest to consume yourself in their very different possible forms.

How to grow coriander - guide

Coriander is an annual plant, so its growth is fast and once it is harvested, all that remains is to prepare the next planting. For this reason, it does not require great care or details to take into account. Despite this, we leave you here a reminder of the most important points to remember about how to grow coriander at home:


Coriander requires a lot of natural light. If you live in a temperate area, you can expose it to direct sunlight throughout the day without any problem. In warmer or tropical climates, however, you should not expose it to the harshest and hottest hours.

Watering the coriander

This plant appreciates having moist soil, but waterlogging will make it sick or suffer attacks. Always water by spraying the water on the ground, and do not let the substrate puddle. If the plant has a plate under the pot, remove the excess water from it after watering.


You can fertilize your coriander with manure, but avoid nitrogen or fertilizers rich in it, such as chicken manure or guano, which will be harmful. Learn more about what is organic compost, types, benefits and how to do it.


It is possible to plant your coriander in a pot indoors and later transplant it to the garden, but it is a practice that some advise against. For a small, annual plant, avoid transplanting unless necessary.

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