How to grow anise

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Anise is a very common aromatic plant that has many culinary. Also receives the name of matalauva or sweet grass. Although its origin is in Asia, the country where it is most cultivated and where it is most appreciated is in Spain. It is an annual herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 60-80 cm. It has small white flowers that are grouped together and give rise to the fruits, which are oval in shape.

It has a very pleasant sweet taste, and its uses include making anise liqueur or using the seeds to flavor foods. It is advisable to use it in a moderate way since its flavor is very strong, which makes it obscure other smells and flavors. It is also widely used in confectionery, confectionery and bakery.

If you want to know how to grow aniseIn this article by Green Ecologist we will discover their care in a practical guide.

Caring for anise to grow it

  • Illumination: manages to develop much better when it is exposed to the sun's rays, at least for several hours a day.
  • Temperature: Anyone does well, although it cannot stand excessively cold temperatures.
  • I usually: It needs to be light, dry and very rich in minerals, although be careful with excess nitrogen as it harms you.
  • Pass: you can use compost or any other compost. If you opt for manure, the ideal is that it is one in which another plant has already been sown previously.
  • Irrigation: It has to be balanced, as it is hurt by both drought and waterlogging. Water when you see that it has already dried.
  • Sowing: It is usually done at the end of winter, always in rows with a distance of 20-25 cm between them. Cover the seeds with soil as they need darkness to germinate, something that usually occurs after three weeks.
  • Harvest: should be done when the seeds begin to turn light brown, cutting the stems in the morning. Put them to dry in a well-ventilated place.

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