Caring for the bonsai fig tree

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Yesterday I wrote a post about caring for the tamarind bonsai, one of the most beautiful, and today I would like to write about another of the most beautiful bonsai that can be: the fig tree bonsai. It is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region, and it is a deciduous tree very famous for its fruits, which are the figs. The branching of the crown is often difficult, which makes many people prefer to opt for other species.

The fig tree has more than 40 varieties, many of them with different characteristics so that you can choose the one that best suits the conditions of your home or outer space.

Caring for the bonsai fig tree

  • illumination: Ideally, it should be in the sun for as long as possible, although during the hottest season it is better not to stay for a long time as it could spoil. After the transplant it is better to be in a shady place until it recovers, but always in a very well lit place.
  • Temperature: It does not require a specific temperature but it is very important that it is well protected from intense cold and frost, although a little cold is good for you to be able to feel each of the seasons with its temperatures.
  • Irrigation bonsai fig tree: there is no specific frequency but you do have to water every time the substrate has partially dried, so in summer you will need more water than in winter. If you see that it has withered due to lack of water, put it completely in a bucket until all the soil is soaked, that will make it recover.
  • Pass: it must be with a liquid fertilizer for bonsai every 15 days in the time that goes from when it begins to sprout until the end of summer. Never fertilize when you do a transplant, you always have to wait for it to start sprouting.
  • Pruning: the ideal is to start pruning when the branch has already reached 6 to 8 leaves, so they will have time to mature much better and even bear fruit.

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