The simplest and cheapest way to reproduce rose bushes is through cuttings. This technique is often widely used by amateur gardeners, since it allows obtaining varieties that are difficult to find in the market, and by nurseries to reproduce wild roses, which will be used to graft more delicate varieties.
In this Green Ecologist article we talk about Plant rose cuttings, their preparation and how to do it with different methods.
The cuttings are stems or branches cut directly from the rose bush, which are planted to generate roots and produce new plants. For make cuttings from a roseAny branch that is too old will not serve us, the ideal ones are semi-mature branches with a thickness between 6 mm and 10 mm. The ideal size of the branches is between 15 cm and 20 cm in length and that they have some bud.
The two best times for make the cuttings are in spring and autumn. If we choose to make the cuttings in spring, it is advisable to choose branches that have been during the previous year that will have a year of life, since they will be more vigorous. If, on the other hand, we make the cuttings in autumn, we will choose branches from that same year and make them look mature.
Once you have selected the most suitable branch or stem of the plant, follow these simple steps to prepare rose cuttings:
There are several methods for reproducing rose bushes by cuttings. The traditional method is to use a pot with substrate, but there are other alternatives such as growing in hydroponics, using potatoes or using plastic bags. All these methods have in common that the cuttings must have a temperature between 18ºC and 21ºC, not receive direct sunlight and have high humidity.
This method consists of preparing the cuttings in the usual way, but instead of putting them on stakes on the substrate, they are driven into a potato. Although this system does not mean that we do not have to plant the cuttings in the substrate, it ensures constant humidity in the cutting and that it can take advantage of the nutrients of the potato. As soon as roots grow, it can be transplanted to the substrate or soil.
In this method, the cuttings o rose cuttings are placed in water and, by means of a cut in the inferior part, the capillarity is facilitated. In addition, we will need special tubes, and a preparation of peat, vermiculite and perlite, so that they can easily absorb moisture. We must also use rooting hormones and maintain the appropriate conditions, such as maintaining humidity, something that is not difficult with this method.
In this other Green Ecologist article we show you How to make a home hydroponic crop.
This is the traditional method of multiplication of the rose bush by cuttings. It consists of preparing a pot with a substrate rich in peat and placing the cuttings. You can use a specific substrate for cuttings. The correct thing to do is to wet the substrate a little and use rooting agent before placing the cuttings. If it is too hot, you can cover the pot, to avoid excessive perspiration, and water regularly. The cuttings can also be planted directly in the garden, but in a shady place.
This is a variant method of the traditional one, where instead of using pots, we use plastic bags, so that we create a kind of mini-greenhouse.
Once the cuttings have rooted and have the first leaves, we can transfer them to a larger pot or the garden. This multiplication technique offers good results, since it avoids excessive perspiration.
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