How to grow organic tomatoes - practical guide

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Totally organic food is healthier and its production is much more respectful with the environment. Therefore, more and more people are joining to grow their own food, either in a garden or at home with pots or urban garden.

For example, tomatoes are one of the foods that we consume the most and, therefore, you can choose to buy organic tomatoes or learn how to grow them. At Ecologista Verde we want to help you and we explain how to grow organic tomatoes, so you can prepare recipes with organic products produced at home, a great way to take care of yourself.

Choosing the seeds to plant organic tomatoes

It is vital that for growing organic or organic tomatoes choose the right seeds. It is not advisable to opt for hybrid or transgenic seeds for various reasons such as, for example, that the resulting tomato seeds may not be used to continue producing and because there are products that have been used to obtain them that turn out to be toxic. Therefore, with the organic and organic tomato seeds You will ensure that you do not consume toxins through its fruits, that you will be able to plant again and that you will take better care of your health and that of the environment.

To do this, you will have to make sure that they are seeds of native varieties or local since, in addition to contributing to local trade and development, they are more resistant to possible pests and diseases in the area itself and are better adapted to the climate, so they will grow more easily and better.

You can choose from several specialists who can provide you with organic tomato seeds. For example, you can go to local nurseries or farmers. Another very good option is that you get them on your own: when you eat organic tomatoes always remove the seeds and let them dry until you can plant them.

In addition, we will explain how to grow tomatoes without sowing the seeds, that is, from seedlings, a good option when you already have tomato plants or you cannot get seeds so easily.

Where and how to plant organic tomatoes

The important of where to plant tomatoes is to take into account that tomato plants need to have enough hours of natural light and good ventilation. Thus, look for a place where sunlight can reach them between 6 and 10 hours a day and that is a ventilated place, so it is always advisable to plant them outdoors, be it garden land such as a garden, terrace or balcony. For optimal ventilation, we recommend that you leave several centimeters of distance between each plant, if possible about 60 centimeters.

Now, we move on to the point where we explain how to plant tomatoes in the garden, greenhouse, flowerpot or wherever you have chosen to do it. You have two options: you can sow or plant. If you choose the sowing you will have to choose the seeds as we have explained before, but if you choose to plant you will have to get seedlings. It is more important that these seedlings have well-developed roots, more than whether or not the sprout part is. You will also have to check for pests before planting them.

About when to plant tomatoes You will have to think that if you sow, that is, if you use the seeds, you will have to do it at the beginning of spring. On the other hand, if you plant seedlings or sprouts, it will be better to do it in late spring. Also, remember to make a staking for the shoots and the young stems have a guide that helps them grow well. You can use stakes, sticks as branches or canes.

These are key points to keep in mind about how to plant organic tomatoes:

  • When to sow: early spring.
  • When to plant: late spring.
  • When can it be harvested: after 3 months.
  • Minimum capacity and depth of the pots: 20 liters and 40 centimeters.
  • Distance between planting lines or rods: 90 centimeters.
  • Distance between tomato plants: 60 centimeters.
  • Type of soil: soil rich in nutrients, it is advisable to use compost.

In this other Green Ecologist article we give you tips on Preparing the land to plant vegetables.

Irrigation of organic tomatoes

Another vital point of the organic tomato cultivation is to take into account the risk. Here we will not only look at what the plant needs, but we will also have to keep in mind the water consumption and that it is ecological. To do this, we recommend that you read this other article on Recycling rainwater for consumption.

For water the organic tomatoes It is important to know that they need water constantly but in such a way that the land does not puddle, that is, in a moderate amount of water. Thus, it is best to do it carefully manually or use drip irrigation systems. You have to be careful not to water the leaves, as they don't need to and they can easily get sick, but rather wet only the earth and the roots. Also make sure the soil has good drainage and doesn't get flooded for hours.

Ecological fertilizer for tomatoes

The best fertilizer for tomatoes It is undoubtedly a totally natural one and, without a doubt, if we want them to be organically grown, this is the one we should use. It is best to use materials such as fresh compost that we can do at home, with different organic remains that we produce at home. Apply it at the beginning of planting and during the growth of the tomato plants.

Here we explain how to make homemade organic compost for plants.

How to combat pests in organic tomatoes

The most common diseases and pests in tomato plants they are produced by fungi, mainly mildew, and aphids of various species. In organic farming, it is sought not only to treat with natural methods, but above all to prevent pests and diseases. To do this, it is convenient to do plant association so that the tomatoes grow better, and in this case the best options for tomato plants are:

  • Basil
  • Chamomile or chamomile
  • Zinnia
  • Capuchina or queen taco

They are plants that scare away harmful insect pests for tomato plants, but attract beneficial insects for them, such as lacewings, some species of ladybugs and wasps.

Also, crop rotations They reduce the appearance of pests and diseases and, if that were not enough, they also make better use of the nutrients in the soil.

In case there is already a plague or disease, it is necessary to use totally natural products to combat them. In addition, it is highly recommended to take a diseased piece of the plant, such as a leaf or a branch, and take it to a specialist in any store specialized in agriculture and / or gardening, in this way they will be able to know for sure what it is and how to help us.

How to prune the tomato plant or tomato plant

Finally, after harvest the organic tomatoes after 3 months Once planted, the tomato plants will need to get rid of leaves and other parts that may have dried up from the effort of producing the fruits and, therefore, many people take advantage of the moment to prune the tomato plant. It must be taken into account that there are those who prune so that the plant grows more but, from Ecologist Verde, we recommend that healthy parts are not pruned of the plant, but only remove the dry or diseased parts, if we cannot heal them.

If we want the plant to grow more it is necessary to intervene while it is in full growth and not after harvesting. When the plant is growing and suckers begin to appear, which are small branches that appear between the main vertical stem and the horizontal branches, it is best to remove the first 2 or 3, making the plant focus its forces on pulling the main stem forward. and not these weaker branches. Afterwards, it is no longer necessary to remove suckers, although there are those who do it so that the plant grows a little more.

Likewise, there are those who remove the large leaves that begin to be past before letting them fall on their own, to have better ventilation of the plant before. We recommend that if they are not ill, they let themselves fall, because if we want to ventilate well we can place more guides or trellises and move the leaves and branches well when we check the tomato plants, apart from respecting the distances mentioned at the beginning.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to grow organic tomatoes, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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