What is thermal pollution and what are its causes - Summary

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The first thought that comes to mind when we talk about pollution are carbon emissions, garbage and other issues, but thermal pollution is also an important problem in our current society, which has very powerful effects on ecosystems and beings alive. Many people may not know well what this type of pollution is, but in reality we know more than we think since we have all heard about global warming and climate change and thermal pollution is closely linked to it.

In this Green Ecologist article, we will discuss what is thermal pollution and what are its causes.

What is thermal pollution

We can define thermal pollution in a more colloquial way like a process that changes the temperature of the environment in a detrimental way. This modification can be both a rise and a drop in temperature, which can negatively affect the quality of air, water and also living beings.

It is more common for thermal pollution to manifest itself in the aquatic environment, because in the air this type of pollution can disperse more quickly. Although, it is not exempt from suffering it, for example, through air conditioners that emit heat to the street.

In addition, the high thermal inertia of water makes it an ideal element to store heat. This fact is used by thermal power plants, since they do not convert all the chemical energy into electricity and release the rest in the form of heat, so they need a cooling system. However, before throwing this water at high temperatures into rivers and seas, they pass it through an evaporation tower that reduces part of this temperature. This process alters some of the physicochemical characteristics of the water of rivers and seas. For this reason, the power plants are located near rivers and seas.

In fact, as we can see in this other Green Ecologist article, thermal power plants are one of the most polluting power plants.

Causes of thermal pollution

Between the main causes of thermal pollution we find the following:

Use of water as a cooling system

The main cause of thermal pollution from this factor is industrial and manufacturing plants. These plants obtain their water from nearby sources to avoid excessive heating of their machines, which they then pour back to this source but at a higher temperature. When this water is returned to its natural source, the temperature of that body of water increases significantly. This results in a decrease in oxygen levels, a decrease in the longevity of marine organisms, loss of vegetation or destruction of marine habitats.

Soil erosion

Erosion in the soil leaves the bodies of water more exposed to the heating of the sun. This leads to damage to the aquatic biomes, as it favors anaerobic conditions in these places. Furthermore, soil erosion has many more negative consequences. We advise you to read more about this problem that favors thermal pollution: What is soil erosion: causes and consequences and Types of erosion.


Vegetation also acts as an impediment for solar energy to reach ponds, rivers and lakes directly. When there is a deforestation process, the removal of plants and trees allows the bodies of water to absorb more heat from solar energy. Deforestation is also one of the most important causes of increases in greenhouse gas concentrations. Learn in this other article all about the Causes of deforestation, as well as its consequences, including this one, and its possible solutions.

Runoff from paved surfaces

During the summer time, the pavement becomes excessively hot, creating hot water runoff into sewer systems and other surface waters.

Natural causes

Among these causes, we find volcanoes and geothermal activity at the bottom of the oceans and seas that can cause lava to heat bodies of water. We also find solar rays, which introduce a large amount of heat into the oceans.

Consequences of thermal pollution

Finally, we reflect on the consequences of temperature or thermal pollution. Thus, between the negative effects of thermal pollution is it so:

  • Reduction in dissolved oxygen levels: hot water retains less oxygen than cold water. This drop in oxygen levels can suffocate plants, amphibians, copepods or fish, causing loss of marine biodiversity. In addition, this warm water allows the growth of algae on the surface, which prevents the passage of oxygen and sunlight to the seabed.
  • Increased toxins: the water from industries that flows into seas and rivers can contain toxins. These toxins can have a negative effect on the ecology of the area, causing more diseases to develop.
  • It affects the reproductive system: high temperatures can prevent reproduction in some species, contributing to the loss of biodiversity. Sometimes, although they do not prevent reproduction, they can cause newborn malformations or premature mortality.
  • Increases metabolic rate: high temperatures can increase the metabolic rates of species, causing them to consume more food. In turn, this upsets the stability and balance of the food chain.
  • Migration: Increasing or decreasing temperatures can cause species to migrate to environments where the conditions are more suitable, affecting organisms that depend on these species for their survival.

Here you can find out more about The environmental impact of rising temperatures.

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