The sky is polluted

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The skies around the world are still polluted. The transparency the sky has dropped in the last decades, with the sole exception of Europe. The darkening It is due to the suspended particles that float in the air, the so-called aerosols, dust and sulfur dioxide, which are generated mainly in the combustion of coal, in different industrial processes.

Sky Pollution

The darkening of the sky is especially noticeable in regions such as South and East Asia, South America, Australia and Africa.

How do they affect global warming? Those known as CFCs affect the temperature of the planet because they reduce the amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface. They reflect part of that radiation towards space and produce terrestrial cooling but a heating in the atmosphere.

In Europe the contamination of Heavens with particles It peaked in the 1980s, but new technologies have improved processes and the European sky has gained in brightness and visibility in recent years.

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