Alternatives to plastic food packaging

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The packaging that we are going to propose as an eco-friendly alternative to plastic packaging is not so-called smart. They don't even have a innovative design. They are simply non-plastic containers, made of other materials, with the common denominator of being interesting substitutes for storing food. It will be enough to replace them to achieve a qualitative change for our health and also for the environment.

For various reasons, they are more ecological that he plastic. Healthier for our body, both in the first use and if we reuse them and, on the other hand, they are also less polluting because, as is known, plastic is not biodegradable, precisely.

In theory at least, they are all fit to store food, including plastic, as long as it is plastic or, in general, a material that meets the requirements established by the regulations in this regard.

In the case of plastic materials, however, despite being legally suitable and allowed for food use, it is also true that their composition includes elements that are hazardous to health in numerous studies. Among others, phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA) or PCBs.

Although there are different types of plastics, they generally release toxins or harmful particles for the Health, which we end up ingesting along with food. Especially when both the container and the content are hot or simply due to their use over time.

Thus, following the maxim that prevention is better, the most sensible thing is not to gamble and fill our fridge and pantry with containers of more materials. healthy Y sustainable, like glass or stainless steel, let's say.

Hunting for plastic

In these times, declare the war to the plastic in the kitchen it is quite an act of bravery. Although there are endless alternatives, it is not always easy to end their presence, in part because it is difficult to go against the current, and today plastic is the king of packaging, food and non-food.

In this post we are going to give you easy-to-find alternatives that represent eco-friendly advantages for our health and that of the planet, in this second aspect, either due to its durability or because they are biodegradable.

Glass tuppers

Tupperware glass containers are very popular, so find them and choose the sizes and models that work for us. practical it is easy. In particular, they will be very useful when, in addition to using them as storage, the content is hot or later heated, either in the microwave or when going on a picnic or exposing them to the sun for any other reason.

Some of the models allow them to be taken directly to the table, thus saving us from using plates, an advantage that, thinking about everything, is also for the environment, because we avoid washing more dishes. In general, glass is a very safe material. We will hardly find others that offer us more guarantees of safety with respect to health and the environment.

And other materials?

Indeed, the crystal is the safer material (Although the lids are made of plastic as they are not in contact with food, it is not a problem), but compared to plastic it will always be preferable to use containers made of other much more ecological materials, such as stainless steel, silicone or bamboo, among others. .

The stainless steel is shedding particles almost invisible in size, but if we do not scratch them when scrubbing them, with forks or other kitchen utensils, it is not significant either. Bamboo is another alternative, although quite unusual, and also silicone, which is becoming more and more common. It does not leave residues and its high tolerance to heat are two of its advantages, but let us bear in mind that there are different qualities and, therefore, also different heat resistances and even its durability is variable.

Glass jars

The glass jars that are used to store nuts, pasta, rice, sugar and many other foods are another eco-friendly alternative that can make a difference when choosing eco-friendly packaging. As with glass tuppers, in this case it is also convenient to use it in all cases.

Once again, it is important to underline its special convenience when choosing the ideal containers to store wet foods, be they jams, olives or cheese in oil, for example, since plastic containers release toxic materials. Also in these cases the plastic is dangerous if it gets hot. Finally, the lids can be made of any material, since they are not in contact with food, ideally airtight, bamboo or other sustainable materials.

Creative recycling solutions

When launching with creative recycling it is important to take into account what we need. The important thing is to choose the right container depending on the place and the type of food.

Among other issues, let us bear in mind the importance of protecting food from bugs, in which case we would have to look for a hermetic closure, or just the opposite, not even need a cover if what we are looking for is to be able to access the food just by stretching out the hand.

Once the most convenient design has been chosen, let's make use of those glass jars that we have stored, waiting for their reuse. Or, why not, as can be seen in the image above, let's take advantage of scraps of fabric to turn them into small containers for nuts, vegetables or other foods. As always, when it comes to home recycling, the imagination is power…

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