12 TREES to REFOREST - Names, characteristics and photos

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In this article we want to show you which are the best trees to reforest. The species chosen belong to a list of the most recommended for repopulate the forests. What makes them special is that they have particularities that offer the terrain protection and a favorable environment for the growth of other plant species. In addition, you should not forget that one of the main maxims of reforestation techniques is to create a safe environment for animals and plants in the shortest possible time and with the greatest guarantees. In fact, for years, trees have been planted to offset CO2 emissions produced by humans to improve air quality and protect our planet's atmosphere.

Many of the species that we wanted to highlight are well known, especially within the Mediterranean climate, but they are also used in other Latin American countries. Keep reading and know 12 trees to reforest, their names, characteristics and photos.

White poplar (Populus alba)

The white poplar (Populus alba) It is one of the trees of the riparian ecosystem and one of the most used when reforesting or repopulating areas near rivers. Its robust nature and its rapid growth, make it perfect for creating a safe area in a short time. In addition, they can reach 30 meters in height and their white bark is very striking, so they are also used for their ornamental value.

Poplar or black poplar (Populus nigra)

The Populus nigra is also known as black poplar or poplar. It is another of the species typical of the riverside area and used for its height and large conical crown. Its use as tree to reforest It is common thanks to the strength of its root system, which has a main root that branches out deeply, providing stability to the ground.

Holm oak (Quercus ilex)

The Holm oak (Quercus ilex) It is a tree known for its resistance and strong structure, reaching up to 25 meters in height. It has a wide, highly branched and populated crown. Thanks to it, a small microclimate is created around it that favors the creation of nutrients and which, in turn, offers an optimal environment for the rapid growth of grasses. Therefore, it is one of the trees to reforest in Spain most used.

Juniper (Juniperus communis)

Although it is more common to find this species in its shrubby form, it can also reach 10 meters in height. The juniperJuniperus communis) It has a branched and parasolate crown and, in addition, although it is a very slow growing species, it is used regularly in works of reforestation for its adaptability to almost all types of terrain.

Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia)

The ash tree (Fraxinus angustifolia) It's one of the better trees to reforest. This is because ash has a wide foliage with compound-type leaves with up to more than 13 folioles. These serve as food for livestock. In addition, it has a strong root system that offers protection to the ground. Finally, the shade offered by its crown creates a perfect environment for other shrub and herbaceous species.

Elm (Ulmus minor)

Another of the trees to repopulate forests or natural areas most used is the elmUlmus minor). Thanks to its height of more than 30 meters and robust bearing, throughout history it has also been used as a protective tree for the structures of churches and convents, improving the terrain of the area and also helping to regulate the climate.

Stone pine (Pinus pinea)

The stone pine (Pinus pinea) It is between 25 and 30 meters high, has a spherical crown and a cylindrical trunk with hard and resistant bark. Its root system is very powerful, so it is used to reforest as fixing and protective species of the ground.

Resin pine (Pinus pinaster)

It differs from the pineapple by its pyramidal and globose glass. In addition, the resin pinePinus pinaster) it is much lower, reaching a maximum height of 20 meters. It was used years ago for its resin, but now it is more used for reforest desert areas, as it also supports well all types of terrain and provides ground support.

Gall oak (Quercus faginea)

It is a medium-sized tree that can reach 20 meters in height. Its crown can be rounded or elongated and it has sparse foliage. In addition, its root system is very powerful, since it has many secondary roots from which suckers also sprout, which helps to fix the ground and is therefore used to reforest.

The gall or carrasqueño oak (Quercus faginea) it is a tree that prefers warm climates and limestone soils. It also supports plaster well and even adapts to siliceous soils.

Sabina (Juniperus thurifera)

This medium-sized tree usually measures between 4 and 12 meters in height, although depending on the care they can reach 20 meters. It has a thick, twisted, greyish trunk.

Although the sabinaJuniperus thurifera) It is a slow growing tree used for its good adaptation in extreme climates. To this is added that its reddish wood is very hard and resistant to rot and insects.

Willow (Salix spp.)

The willowsSalix spp.) have a wide variety of species. These range from small shrub-like specimens to trees that exceed 20 meters in height. In reforestation, willows are used to stabilize slopes and to protect repopulations of other tree species, such as pines and oaks. As with the gall oak, it is highly valued for its strong radical system.

Tamariz (Tamarix gallica / Tamarix africana)

We finished our selection of trees to reforest forests, fields and riverbanks with the tamarisk (Tamarix gallica / Tamarix africana). It is one of the most used species for repopulate riparian ecosystems, ravines and wetlands. This one is very recognizable by its tiny white or pink flowers.

To finish, we also recommend you to know this other selection of Trees that produce more oxygen, which are also very good options to reforest a variety of areas. In addition, we advise you to watch the video below about reforestation.

If you want to read more articles similar to Trees to reforest, we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment.

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