Natural and artificial sources of LIGHT and HEAT: EXAMPLES

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The light and heat that reach us from the Sun are fundamental for life on our planet and, in addition, they are in fact a vital part of the great engine that has allowed the Earth to be the blue planet that it is today. Thanks to the heat that comes from the Sun, the Earth has liquid seas and the water cycle that nourishes the continental areas with rain and snow so that water reaches every part of the planet's geography, allowing life grow and develop.

However, although the Sun is undoubtedly the main source of light and heat that we know, there are many others that we live with on a daily basis and that, on occasions, can go completely unnoticed by us. If you want to know some of the natural and artificial light and heat sources that exist, keep reading Green Ecologist and we will tell you examples.

Why is light and heat important for life

As we have already mentioned, the heat that reaches the surface of planet Earth is responsible for the existence of liquid water on our planet, which is one of the most important elements for life to emerge anywhere in the universe. However, this heat that comes to us from the Sun is also responsible for the temperature on our planet being what we have, which is often referred to in astronomy as "habitable zone".

This habitable zone is a region close to the stars in which scientists consider that the temperature is the ideal one for the existence of life, as it happens on our planet. In this way, planets farther from the source of heat provided by their star would reach freezing temperatures, like those suffered by Mars. While planets that are too close to their star burn, making it impossible for life to exist on their surface, as happens to Venus.

In addition to heat, the light that reaches us from the Earth also plays a fundamental role in the development of life. Plants are autotrophic organisms, that is, they feed on inert matter. However, for this to be the case, it is necessary for them to develop photosynthesis, for which, they need the sunlight. In this way, they transform inert matter into organic matter, which passes from some living beings to others through the food chain, thus enabling the great biodiversity that our planet has.

We tell you much more in this other Green Ecologist article on What is the importance of light for living beings.

Natural sources of light and heat: what they are and examples

We have already mentioned the Sun as the main and most powerful source of natural light and heat that exists. Like the Sun, the millions of stars that exist in the universe constitute the most powerful source of light and natural heat in our universe.

However, it is also important to note that they are not the only sources of light and heat and that, in fact, on our own planet we can find other types of sources of light and heat of natural origin. Some of the most important are the following:


Fire is a source of light and heat that can exist in its own way in nature without the human being lighting the flame. Fire is the result of applying a certain amount of heat to a fuel and, consequently, the flame is formed, which is the characteristic way in which fire manifests itself, radiating heat and light that arise as a result of combustion.

Electric storms

Another source of heat and natural light that can be found on our planet is thunderstorms. In these natural phenomena, the electrical currents that are generated as a result of the contact between the clouds themselves generate other minor phenomena, such as lightning and lightning. In the case of lightning, we would only be talking about a source of natural light, while, in the case of lightning, the electric current produces, in addition to light, heat as it passes.


Likewise, another of the major sources of heat and natural light that we can find is magma, as well as the different forms it takes, either inside the earth or when it goes outside and forms volcanoes. Magma and lava is nothing other than incandescent matter that remains in that state due to the residual heat that it still contains and that comes from the formation of the planet.

Animals that emit light and heat

Likewise, there are also some animals such as fireflies and some types of fish that are famous for producing light through chemical reactions in their own body. In addition, the metabolic activity of animals itself, leads them to generate heat naturally, especially those of us who are warm-blooded, such as mammals.


Finally, another source of natural light that could not be missing from the list is our own satellite, the Moon. The Moon is not a body that produces light or heat by itself. However, as far as light is concerned, it acts as a reflector of the light that comes from the Sun, which makes it a source of light on Earth at night, albeit indirectly.

Artificial light and heat sources: what they are and examples

On the other hand, we call artificial light and heat sources those that are made by human hands. In this sense, we could mention the fire (only when it is the work of man), as well as others examples of artificial light and heat sources or man-made:

  • The bulbs.
  • The screens.
  • Heating equipment.
  • The combustions that are made when burning elements such as wood or those derived from oil and natural gas.
  • Cars and means of transport (cars, boats, trains, airplanes …).
  • Any device invented by human beings and that, for that purpose or indirectly, produces light and heat.

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