Prepare the land for planting vegetables

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There are already many people who want to have their own ecological garden in which to grow some foods for personal consumption, especially fruits and some vegetables.

However, before getting to work with the planting it is essential that you do not overlook a basic: the preparation of the farmland. Preparing the ground will ensure that at the very least our plants start to develop on the right foot, regardless of problems that may arise later on. If you are interested in knowing how prepare the land for planting vegetablesIn this Green Ecologist article we explain it to you.

How to prepare the land for planting vegetables

The best time of year to carry out this process is the end of winter and beginning of spring, so the month in which we are or the next are perfect for it; Take advantage of the harvest of the last fruits of winter to get down to work.

The first thing you should do is put manure On the entire surface where you are going to plant the vegetables, approximately 8 kilos of this substance per square meter. Once you have it on earth you must till the ground in order for it to mix with the earth and be effective.

For the planting of aromatic plants, such as thyme or parsley, for example, it is best to place them near fruit trees, as their aroma helps to drive away pests.

If you go to plant vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, artichokes, pumpkins …) you should do it in a place where they are protected from the wind and frost. In fact, it would not hurt if they began their development in a warm place, such as a small greenhouse or in another somewhat protected place such as a garage or similar.

Do not think that the land will be perfect for cultivation just like that, because the quality of the next harvest will depend largely on the previous care that you have given to the land.

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