Characteristics of pine wood

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The Pinewood It is one of the most used in carpentry work so it has multiple applications. It is usually used to make furniture, structures for interior or exterior, planks and decorative veneers. Depending on the origin, different varieties of pine are distinguished. Scots pine is common for boards and planks, radiata pine for long and short wood, and Galician pine for formwork. Let's see next what are the characteristics of pine wood.

How is pine wood

Being a softwood, the furniture or floors of this material are considered not very resistant. However, this natural material is essential in structures or placed under the parquet (battens). Wood is a material that expands and contracts depending on the temperature and humidity conditions. That is why there is a risk that it will break.

It should also be borne in mind that one of the most common defects in these woods are the knots, main responsible for the wood to crack or deform, so sometimes it may be advisable to remove them and join several pieces that do not have these formations.

On the other hand, they have greater sensitivity to fungi and other xylophagous insects. To solve this problem, treatments are required that are effective and allow its use in outdoor environments. However, it is not recommended to use pine wood if it is going to be continuously and directly exposed to the elements, it should first be treated with a protective product.

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