The benefits of organic farming

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Organic farming has countless objectives that are gradually being fulfilled to a greater or lesser extent. Encourage the biodiversity, use exclusively natural resources and raw materials, seek the highest nutritional quality, create employment, seek the maximum possible development of the rural world or stop the environmental pollution are some examples of what you are looking for.

Benefits in sight

The health of consumers of products from organic farming is assured. No biocides or transgenic seeds, With all of that implies. In addition, it provides several benefits to the environment. They are as follows:

  • Keeps the habitats of the animals wild, fighting in favor of endangered species and those that are about to become so.
  • Stop desertification by fertilize the earth.
  • Shamelessly encourages biodiversity.
  • He does his bit for the decontamination of water, air, soil, fauna and flora.
  • It helps water retention and is not pollutant for aquifers.

Unfortunately, the products from the ecological agriculture they are not yet very widespread in the purchasing habits of the population. Many people mistakenly think that they are more expensive and this prompts them not to look at them.

What is ecological agriculture

The ecological agriculture, organic or biological is a cultivation system of an autonomous agricultural exploitation based on the optimal use of the natural resources, without using synthetic chemicals, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - neither for fertilizer nor to combat pests - nor for crops, thus achieving organic foods while preserving the fertility of the land and respecting the environment. All this in a sustainable, balanced and maintainable way.

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