A home in the woods, inspiration for building green houses

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The green house construction It has many aspects, and the wooden ones can be a good example of this type of green bets that, fundamentally, seek to achieve a comfortable home without causing environmental damage.

Logically, not in absolute terms, but rather comparative, since the best way not to damage the environment is to refrain from building. Or cut down as little as possible, if it is wooden houses.

An ecological house

However, respecting or complying with key aspects such as wood certification, the use of local materials To reduce the carbon footprint or, for example, the integration of construction with the environment, we earn green points.

Other ways of carrying out an ecological construction consists, for example, in the choosing your orientation taking into account the distribution of one or other rooms or the inclusion of passive elements. Finally, regardless of ecological standards that require compliance with certain requirements, the sum of correct decisions in the ecological field will give a better or worse result.

The term ecological house, in short, encompasses a large number of types, construction systems and materials, which can be to a greater or lesser extent. Once completed, they will be so to a greater or lesser extent, in the same way that the environmental impact of their habitability will also have to be taken into account. In other words, the footprint that day-to-day life implies in a myriad of aspects.

A wooden house made by a carpenter

The house in question meets the general definition of an ecological house, understood as a construction that respects the environment as far as possible, in addition to being built with natural materials.

In turn, it is built thinking about the use of the natural resources of the sun and the landscape (the forest, the ski slopes of Mount Glen and the river) for the comfort and well-being of its inhabitants. It is a house that also represents the culmination of a personal dream.

It is located in an idyllic setting, and is a home made by hand, although seeing it is hard to believe. And the story that leads to its construction is, to say the least, curious, since it was built by a young Canadian carpenter who wanted to have a house made with his own hands.

And what less way to do it than by taking advantage of his talent for woodworking? Of course, he had the help of an architecture studio, specifically L’Atelier l’Abri, to make the design, whose main elements were wood and the concept of integration with the environment from inside and outside.

To this end, among other details, large windows were projected to enjoy the landscape and take advantage of natural light in a home that has been baptized with the name of "The Wood Duck", a type of North American duck whose male is characterized by its amazing colors.

It is not the case of the cabin, not at all colorful. His grace is precisely that, his integration with the environment. It has a woody color in keeping with where it is located: a secluded spot in the incredible Bolton Forest.

Advantages of self-construction

Self-construction has allowed, on the one hand, reduce project cost importantly, and on the other, take advantage of a resistant, insulating, durable and, finally, ecological material such as the sustainable wood that has been used. In fact, the word "wood" is played with in the name as an allusion to the use of it in practically all of it.

This is The Wood Duck

Both the facade and the structure, the cladding and the interior finishes are made of wood, creating the sensation - real, on the other hand - of being next to the trees. Or why not, even living inside as if of a tree house In any case, but with the comforts of modern life.

On the other hand, the house is facing south to make the most of the heat, which is helped by the large windows. The most used rooms have been located in this orientation, such as the kitchen, the living room or the bedrooms. For its part, the laundry and other rooms less inhabited on a daily basis are in the north.

Although the house may look impressive, it is actually the design is simple, an aspect that sought to adapt to the modest budget of its creator or, if you like, executor, and future owner.

As can be seen in the images, the house has two heights. In the first one there is the kitchen, the dining room and the service rooms, while in the upper one there is the bathroom, two bedrooms and an office.

The use of natural light, on the other hand, is greater thanks to three large windows, which occupy a good part of the south façade. Likewise, a fireplace has been installed to face the harsh winters.

Once again, the wood can continue to be used, in this case without the need to cut down trees, since the same pruning or collection of fallen branches or trees allows the house to be supplied with firewood, built entirely with wood.

If you wonder about the vulnerability of the house to fires, the truth is that wooden houses could become more resistant in this sense than conventional ones. On the one hand, it is not easy to set fire to wood, since among other reasons it is a material with very low thermal conductivity. Although many different factors come into play, the truth is that wood is a good option for building safe homes.

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