Plants that need little care

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Many people like plants very much, but they do not usually dare to have them because they do not have much time to dedicate to their care. It also often happens that there is not much space to put them, and because you do not have much knowledge on the subject, you let yourself go instead of investigating what options there are. Any person can have plants, which will have to be chosen depending on the time or space available.

There is a wide variety of plants that do not need much attention, so they are perfect for people who do not have much time to care for them or who may not have a knack for them. If any is your case, keep reading and I will recommend a few plants that do not need much care, without a doubt perfect for you.

They need little water …

Choosing plants that need little watering is a great option if you don't have time, since if you have one that needs a lot of water, you will die if you don't take care of it. In this case, choose chrysanthemums, bougainvillea, alelli, geraniums, water lilies, begonias, marigolds or winter hydrangeas.

They need little light …

The above are also perfect for interior spaces or shady areas, in which case you can also choose shrubs, aralias, cicas, ivy, ferns or durillos. All of them can be developed in spaces with little light, whether indoors or outdoors, so if you have space they are a good option to create an environment with them and get something special.

Colorful plants

If you want to have colorful plants that adapt to not being able to take good care of them, the agapanthus It is one of the best options since it only needs a few hours of sun a day and it will give beautiful blue flowers in summer. The tricolor dracaena It is also perfect to decorate, and it will be enough to water it a little in winter and only once a week during the summer. The Coreopsis it is perfect to be in a window that receives a daily sun.

If you want to read more articles similar to Plants that need little care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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