What is an ECOTONE: Definition and Examples

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When we read the word ecotone it is easy to ask "what is ecotone?". And it is not a word that we use regularly or is within our most popular vocabulary.

Therefore, throughout this Green Ecologist article we will answer that question, in addition, the examples that we develop will make you physically locate these areas, you will even become almost experts in their recognition. Keep reading and learn what is an ecotone with a simple definition and examples.

What is an ecotone: definition and characteristics

It receives the name of ecotone at natural transition zone between two different and adjacent ecological systems, that is, it is the ecological limit between them and is usually several hundred meters or kilometers. These systems can be:

  • Biomes. This is the name given to the geographic area defined by a series of climatic and geological factors that determine the type of vegetation and fauna.
  • Scenery.
  • Ecosystems. Find out more about What is an ecosystem in this other Green Ecologist post.
  • Communities or populations.
Image: Cienciasdejoseleg.blogspot.com

Ecotones: why they have formed and their importance

Are transition zones are formed due to action of physical-environmental variables such as the climate, topography, soil characteristics or the presence of another population, which is called a biotope. In this other Green Ecologist article we will talk about the Biotope: what it is and examples.

Depending on the condition of these, the transition may be more abrupt or more gradual. In addition, it should be noted that this biological confluence zone is usually in most cases, where greater biological richness exists, more than in adjacent areas. And because ? The answer is simple, since it is the area of greatest interaction of individuals, it has even been observed that in these areas new species inhabit, specifically adapted to that type of habitat or biotope, this event is called "edge effect".

Each species or population acts in a certain way depending on the environmental conditions of the ecotone. These conditions or factors can be biotic and abiotic (both interaction with other species such as pH, temperature, luminosity …), taking this into account, they will behave differently and specifically, fulfilling functions within the ecotone, which otherwise receives the name of ecological niche (pollinators, decomposers …). Here you can discover the Difference between habitat and ecological niche, as they are sometimes confused.

Ecotone types

These areas can be divided or categorized in different ways. These are the main types of ecotones, depending on whether it is biomes, landscapes or populations or communities.

  • If we refer to the biome, the ecotones are determined by climatic factors such as water, temperature and topographic factors.
  • Regarding the landscape, ecotones are influenced by climate and topography, but chemical characteristics of the soil such as pH or rock composition are also included.
  • If we speak of population or community ecotone, we must speak of the influence on the interaction of species that will affect their composition and distribution.

Ecotone Examples

Both in Africa and in America, Europe and the rest of the continents there are numerous ecotones. In this section of the Green Ecologist article, we will see the most significant and easy to understand examples to finish clarifying what we mean when we call a natural transition area ecotone. Pay attention to the following examples of ecotones:

Tundra and taiga or boreal forest

If we look at America and Europe, we can talk about the border between the tundra and the boreal forest. This ecotone is an example in two different biomes characterized by the climate that exists in each of them.

The tundra is found in polar areas in the north of the planet. The climate is very cold, with temperatures that do not exceed 10 ° C and with an average rainfall of 250 mm per year. A feature to highlight in this area is the permanence of permafrost or frozen soil throughout the year.

As for the boreal forest (Canada) or taiga (Russia) it is located south of the tundras. Temperatures here range from minus 30 ° C to 19 ° C, rainfall is more abundant, reaching an average of 450 mm per year.

The ecotone that forms between these two biomes in North America is small, but in Europe it reaches up to 200 km. It is characterized by being a fragmented landscape, observing areas covered by dense forests and others dominated by lichens and heather. The ecotone that we are defining is called the forest-tundra, which has more biological diversity than the defined biomes, since there are species from both areas.

In these other articles of ours you will be able to know in depth these two biomes:

  • Tundra: characteristics, flora and fauna.
  • What is taiga: definition and characteristics.


Wetlands are ecotones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with an important function within environmental sanitation, which is why its conservation is essential.

We refer to the capture of sediments, absorption of nutrients and release of chemical substances, thus improving the quality of the waters. An example of this is their action as regulators of nitrogen concentrations in rivers, which are increased by the presence of toxic agricultural products. This nutrient is captured in its majority, by the vegetation of the wetlands, converting part of it into living biomass.

This has only been two examples of ecotones that can be easily understood to definitively understand the meaning, in addition, there are not only terrestrial ecotones, as we have explained in the example of wetlands, there are also aquatic areas, no less rich in life or with less ecological value. Surely you now have other possible examples in your head that closely resemble everything explained above. Next, we show you a list of those ecotones that you know separately, but did not relate to the given definition.

  • The oasis in the desert.
  • Chad and Sudan (forest - savanna - desert).
  • Forest - wasteland (dense wooded forest - low-rise vegetation area).
  • Coast (beach - forest).

You need to remember the great biological importance of all these geographical areas, which we must conserve and take care of because they are life transitions throughout the planet that do not stop contributing their part to the world.

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