+50 AQUATIC PLANTS: Names and Characteristics - with IMAGES

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You ask yourself what are aquatic plants best suited for ponds or lagoons? If you have space in your garden or land and you are thinking of adding a pond, surely, one of the doubts that will have arisen will be what type of aquatic plants to put in the pond and what plants to put around it. We advise you to consult a specialist for better advice, explaining well the details of your area, but also from Ecologist Verde we want to help you get to know these plants better so that you can decide more easily.

For this reason, we have prepared this article on more than 50 aquatic plants for ponds, lakes and lagoons, among which you can find floating ones, for deep waters, for margins or banks, oxygenating and marshlands.

Types of aquatic plants for ponds, lakes and lagoons

Before explaining the names of aquatic plants for ponds and talking a little about their main characteristics, we want to indicate that, in general, this type of vegetation can be classified into three large groups of aquatic plants:

  • Bank or margin plants.
  • Floating plants.
  • Plants for deep waters.

For decide which species of aquatic plants For ponds and lagoons they are the best for your garden or land, we recommend that you consult an expert and take into account a series of important aspects to decide the species:

  • What is the size or dimensions of the pond?
  • Is it just a decorative or natural pond or is it also for bathing or playing?
  • How much sun does it receive throughout the day?
  • What is the average temperature throughout the year?
  • Will there be fish or other animals?

Floating aquatic plants

Surely you have heard or have ever seen floating plants, those that stay on the surface of the water. If you wonder what are the floating plants for ponds to be able to know them and decide whether to put some in your outdoor area and which one, pay attention because these are the floating aquatic plant species for ponds most common:

  • Pistia or water lettuce
  • Water hyacinth or camalot
  • Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
  • Salvinia natans or water fern
  • Aloid stratoids

Aquatic plants for deep-sea ponds

If in your case the pond you have at home is rather deep because you have enough land, or it is even a natural pond that was there before, we recommend that you also consider using the plants for ponds that are deep water:

  • Nymphaea odorata alba blanca
  • Nymphaea alba white
  • Nymphaea gladstoniana
  • Nymphaea chromatella
  • Nymphaea gladstoniana yellow
  • Nymphaea carnea pink
  • Nymphaea rose arey rose
  • Nymphaea laydekeri rosea red
  • Nymphaea atraction red
  • Nymphaea stellata red
  • Nymphaea vill. yellow benetti

Likewise, as in this type of waters it is easier for there to be more biodiversity, these are also plants for fish ponds and amphibians.

Bank or margin aquatic plants

To decorate and give more life to your pond, you should definitely plant some plants on the shore as well. In this area you can plant both aquatic plants, ensuring that their roots remain in the water but on the edge of it, or plants that are not strictly water but do grow well if they are close to it, being able to place them at half a meter or something over shore.

These are the riparian or pond aquatic plants that we encourage you to place in your garden:

  • Achoruscalamus
  • Coves
  • Caltha palustris
  • Cyperus papyrus
  • Cyperus alternifolius
  • Equisetum arvense
  • Glyceria variegata
  • Iris pseudoachorus
  • Iris sibirica
  • Glauca reeds
  • Juncus maritimus
  • Reeds inflexus
  • Juncus acutus
  • Aquatic mentha
  • Misolis palustris
  • Pontederia lanceolata
  • Pontederia cordata
  • Schoenoplectus lacustris
  • Scirpus cebreinus
  • Scirpus lacustris
  • Thalia dealbata
  • Tipha latifolia
  • Tipha
  • Minimal tipha
  • Veronica vegabunda

Oxygenating aquatic plants

Apart from the above classification of the three main groups, there are other ways of classifying the different groups. types of aquatic plants for pondsFor example, we can talk about oxygenating or oxygenating plants that help to renew oxygen in the water.

These are the different types oxygenating plants for ponds What do we advise you:

  • Cerarophyllum demersum
  • Elodea crispus
  • Canadian Elodea
  • Myriophyllum aquaticum
  • Myriophyllum verticillatum
  • Normal Vallisneria
  • Vallisneria gigantea
  • Vallisneria tortifolia

What is a marsh plant for ponds

Apart from oxygenating pond plants and the above classification, there are other types or ways to classify water plants. To finish we will talk about the marsh plants ideal for ponds where we want there to be a lot of biodiversity.

But what are marsh plants? These are plants that have vertical leaves, following the stem, and that protrude from the water or from the edge or shore. They are ideal for shallow water areas or for margins or riverbanks, as this is where they thrive best. In addition, its roots help regulate the pond water, providing oxygen, nutrients and filtering impurities.

They are also interesting to place in a pond in your garden because they attract animals, or you can place them there, since they serve as a refuge for different species of dragonflies, butterflies and other insects, frogs and other amphibians and birds.

Between the marsh plants for ponds we recommend you:

  • Juncos
  • Iris
  • Cyperus
  • Equisetum

Now that you know all the recommendations we give you about aquatic plants for ponds, we recommend you also consult this other article by Green Ecologist in which we give you Tips for a good maintenance of your pond.

If you want to read more articles similar to +50 aquatic plants: names and characteristics - with pictures, we recommend that you enter our Garden Care category.

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