Ideas to recycle or renovate your computer keyboard

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A keyboard is usually a durable accessory, but not eternal, logically. If it breaks, say, if one or various keys they stop working, you spill liquid on it and it becomes unusable or it simply stops serving you because you need a more specific one, such as a gaming or ergonomic keyboard, do not throw it away. You won't gain anything by saving it either sine die. Our suggestion? Reuse it! There are endless ways to do it or, why not, if the keyboard works but you are bored with it, customize it and surprise with the result.

With the keys of the old keyboards or with the set of the keyboard, without further complications, you can create an infinite number of objects tools Y decorative. In this post we will give ideas to renew already worn keyboards or, if you no longer have salvation, to make simple crafts. But the imagination has no limit, with which they could also serve as inspiration.

Indeed, you can recycle your keyboard by turning it into a colorful accessory that brings a note of fun and originality to your desk, in your room or office. In addition, from keychains, magnets, photo frames, flowerpots, lamps, dolls and futuristic figures and any type of creations.

Ideas, ideas, ideas …

Basically, it is about playing with the magnet and turning the keys into small parts construction or, even easier, to use them to cover surfaces as a collage to add a nice wink to objects of the most varied.

Posts to do ours with a keyboard from computerWe can start with a very simple creative recycling, for example separating the keys and gluing them to cover what we want. Photo frames, pencil holders or, for example, whenever their size allows it, a wall mirror frame are very cool.

More ideas to renovate our home or our wardrobe: turn a keyboard into a planter, simply by adding a little soil or other substrate and some seeds. We place it near the window, water carefully, adding a minimum of water and wait for them to germinate. For a little while we will have a very inspiring geek garden.

If we have enough keys following the same procedure of covering surfaces we can obtain a very original purse. Or, and this idea is a real mine, let's dare to make keychains or figurines. By crimping some keys with others or using keys alone we can make decorative jewelry (bracelets, earrings), key rings, figures (robots, animals and anything else …) for your geek desk.

Forming words or phrases with the letters of the keys or using the initials, without more, is another interesting option. If, in addition, we place a magnet on them, they will look great on the refrigerator door or on metal planks.

And, put to recycle several objects at the same time, as can be seen in the image that opens the post, the idea of the clock made with a CD and keys of a old computer or the Skate keyboard are amazing. Much easier will be to give a new look to old clips fastened papers decorating them with a key, especially if they are flat.

Renew your keyboard

To customize the keyboard we have to start by cleaning it with a cotton pad or handkerchief moistened with water or with a little alcohol or cologne. Once the dirt is removed, let's make a template from the shape of our keyboard.

Then, through a transfer sheet we cut each of the keys into vinyl paper or, even better, with scraps of wrapping paper or other recycled papers that inspire us. Finally, we will apply a low adhesion adhesive, easy to remove and put on each of the keys, and we will have a touch of color that will brighten up our desk and our lives.

Artistic recycling

There are many artists who have expressed their creativity through this curious raw material. Well thought out, the keys are still easy to fit pieces, with which it is easy to do from upholstery to figures of all kinds. When it comes to art, the limit is the sky, and beyond. Of course, normally hundreds, thousands of keys are used and the results are spectacular.

On the net there are endless creations of this type that have not taken a breath to go viral. Sculptures-keyboard like the one that can be seen in the image, an authentic beauty or, for example, carpets-keyboard, like the one that the designer Jean Shin has woven, an ax in turning useless materials into authentic works of art.

In his case, the carpet had a plus. In addition to the merit it has sew key to key and to achieve a unique effect, the grace is in its utility. And it is that the last three rows of the keyboard work, so that when he exhibits the work he connects the carpet to a computer so that visitors can leave messages.

With this, the artist wanted to leave, in turn, another message. His carpet It was not magic, although it seemed like it, where our true power is is not in the material, but in our own fingers. Only by making use of them can we write a message, regardless of whether or not there is a multimedia support. If it is not making use of a keyboard, there are always other tools, all of them substitutes for something that is not manufactured, not bought, not sold and always works, the intellect and the fingers. Or can we not write on the sand, without needing more? A resource, this one, totally renewable and sustainable.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ideas to recycle or renovate your computer keyboard, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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