How to assemble complex reinforced structures in a short time

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Structures armed with robots

Some gurus in the architecture sector predict a future where the works will be more crowded with "gadgets" and robots, what efficient workers with the typical white helmet.

We do not know if we will see it, but the truth is that robotics is entering the construction and construction sector with force, and this is another example where complex armed structures are assembled "in situ" on site, all of a sudden, it is made easier and with pinpoint accuracy.

From the robotics research center ETH Zurich, they have proposed to build a complex single-family house of 200 m2 built and real - no two walls and a crazy concrete roof - with the aim of seeing to what extent a building can be built using only robotics and digital processes.

Objective!… See and determine where only human hands are needed, what digital technologies can make a building more sustainable and efficient, or what is the design and planning potential if digital tools and robotics work together in construction site.

“It is not about building two walls and a roof, but about seeing the scope of robotics in the face of a complex and real architectural project and trying to automate the processes to the maximum; from the design, planning or construction of the entire structure of the house, its walls and floors »…

We have robots that build concrete walls and 3D printers that print entire formwork or large slabs, now it's time to teach them to do more intricate things

We remember that we already saw an article of interest on construction technology where only wood was worked from the architecture article of the algorithms for the construction of an entire pavilion.

In this case, we have just been shown the benefits of a mobile robotic arm that weaves together the steel wire, assembling complex structures at lightning speed. Walls and formwork with curved silhouettes are an easy task for this automated machine that creates complex wire mesh structures with the intention of constructing the interior partitions of the house. (See also, how to put 1,000 bricks in an hour)

The Building that is intended to be built has 3 floors and we can see it in the following plan scheme:

It is no longer just a mechanized arm that, through a nozzle, delivers concrete at a certain point, in the style of how to print a house in 24 hours, it is much more complicated and adapted to complex homes.

It is a combination and digital coordination before the design and planning that tears and breaks the conventional planning phase in which all professionals in the sector are accustomed. The final building will be a project executed with computer tools that order robots to complex tasks on steel, concrete and wood, obtaining a real home to live in.

Without a doubt, it will bring great benefits and, if we look at construction in height and skyscrapers, a world of possibilities opens up if we see the great structures of the tallest towers in the world… New building capacities, new opportunities!

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