How to validate projects before starting works: 32 Useful sheets - Green Ecologist

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Project validation for works and construction

In all construction, well-executed details are signs of professionalism and wisdom, but not everything is in the work itself, in the execution "in situ", there is a lot of previous work that we must consider and verify properly.

Possible errors and defects that we can solve from the beginning in the project drafting process will always be cheaper and more effective than during the commissioning process.

The lack of information and details in a architectural project it can generate uncertainty in the execution phase of the same and from here, the real problems will begin; layout errors, cost overruns, variations in measurements, contradictory prices, etc.

But today, it is time to prevent, and for this we have found some analysis guides (files in checklist format) that will help the direction of work execution to validate the initial project in a more correct way.

The direction of the execution of work

The project management (construction manager and director of material execution) They are the competent technicians appointed by the developer and in charge of the control - technical direction of the execution of the work.

The Construction management directs the development of the work (from start to finish) in its technical, urban, aesthetic, etc. In order to ensure that it meets the proposed final objective.

On the subject of responsibilities on site, as long as nothing or no accident happens, everything is fine, but when something happens, if the position and responsibility of each technician has not been clearly specified, it can turn into a huge headache. If we see the following scheme of responsibilities on site (Clicking on the image opens a new window to see it better)

Image extracted from the article the expert report on building and the architect judicial expert.

We do not want any "scare" on site for not having done the job well. As a starting point and because it is a document that is easy to understand, it is advisable to download the «Recommendations for the direction of the execution of work»What can we find from HERE.

As we see in the previous document, checking that the project contains all the necessary information for the execution of the work is a duty that we should fulfill.

But … What happens if I don't review the project or verify that it is okay? Here, indeed, from an economic perspective - cost of work, there is an important relationship with the life cycle of a work.

Remember three articles of interest from this portal:

  • Scaffolding on site and its assembly
  • Insulating materials sheets
  • Sustainable projects

Why is the project life cycle important?

Project management is the application of skills, many knowledge, tools and techniques to meet the requirements that arise in it. Which in the end is transferred and embodied in five phases:

  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Monitoring and Control
  • Closing

We have to consider that projects on site they vary in size and complexity. All projects (Applicable to any sector), no matter how large or small, or how complex or simple, can be configured within the following life cycle structure that we should always keep in mind and that four phases stand out:

Home> Organization and scheduling> Running the job> Closing

In planning, these phases are important (See Lean Construction technique and system in projects), but one of the main drawbacks in any construction process is controlling the work budget.

As a rule, in every project there is a relationship between Costs of Changes - Influence Risks and Uncertainties. To understand it better, the following graphic is great:

From this perspective, an initial analysis and check-up of any architectural project is very important if we do not want our original budget to skyrocket.

This is where the following check sheets will come in so that the direction of execution of the work does not leave anything in the pipeline.

Project validation files

The main objective of the following sheets is to highlight possible gaps in information that are relevant for the control of the execution and the economy of the work.

The guides have only been written to show the presence or not of the characteristics of the technical construction specifications of the project. Not including aspects such as; aesthetic characteristics, degree of compliance with regulatory laws, urban planning conditions, layout, health and safety aspects, accessibility compliance, etc. (We can see more in this GUIDE document).

We have to comment that the files have been drawn up based on the requirements of Spanish regulations. Although, as guide documents, they are perfectly applicable to other countries. And they frame the following chapters with 21 Documents:

The PDF download of all the documents can be accessed through the Musaat Foundation from HERE. And thanks to the authors of the same, which are Manuel Jesús Carretero Ayuso and Mateo Moyá Borrás for this excellent documentation that they provide us.

We also remind you that for Coronavirus COVID 19 we have prepared an interesting guide article with examples on the protocol of action in construction and works.

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