BBConstrumat: 12 Proposals to learn architecture and construction

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Barcelona Building Construmat Fair betting on technology and innovation

If there is an exhibition space that should be visited by every restless professional in the construction, architecture and engineering sector, that is the Barcelona Building Construmat 2022 (BBConstrumat).

And it is not because we say so, we have already been a few times, it is that this year the fair focuses on technology innovation in the sector and in modern times, or we are at the latest or our competition will simply eat us … " We can all innovate, we must all innovate ”.

At the fair Construmat 2022 We are not only talking about learning about the latest in innovation or trends that are brewing in the world of architecture, which is a highlight.

We are very interested in the fair, the professional debates that we will be able to listen to, the exchange of ideas and reflections on the current situation of the sector with professionals to generate good networking and possible new business opportunities.

If you want to get accredited at the Construmat fair and find out about all the news in the architecture and construction sector, you can access it from the attached banner.

It is a good opportunity to create business and make yourself known. Do not forget that there are all the most important professionals in the sector.

12 proposals that mark this edition

The BBConstrumat event It will be held from May 14 to 17 at the Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona. With more than 34,000 m2 destined to cover the present and future of the construction sector.

Although the range of activities at the fair each year is multiplying with special attention to sectors as important as sustainability, BIM, startups or new business spaces.

This year we have 12 proposals to highlight and that are undoubtedly very relevant …

1.- Technical Corner. Practical knowledge

50 pioneering companies selected by a technical committee will share their experience in short presentations. A lecture program in which practical knowledge is shared. Learn, learn, learn!

2.- Showroom. New products, new materials

An exhibition that gives visibility to the most innovative materials and products. An exhibition that gives visibility to the most disruptive products and materials selected by a technical committee from among all the exhibiting companies.

A space to find out the latest news in:

  • Envelope
  • Interior space
  • Outer space

3.- Sustainable Solutions

Construction of two passivhaus houses within the living room. With a total exhibition space of 475 m2, Evowall and Arquima will build 2 residential buildings of 90m2 and 70 m2.

Both houses are real projects that will be temporarily exhibited in this area and that at the end of the fair will be relocated in their final spaces and will be certified by the Passivhaus Institute.

In the houses it will be possible to observe the different phases and construction layers from the structure to the finished house.

4.- Startup Village

A space for the most disruptive emerging companies. Where we will know the "power of technology" from the hand of Startups that are revolutionizing construction. We welcome smart construction!

For example, Aerial Insights. It uses drones and its own technology to provide measurement and monitoring tools, generating precise topographic reconstructions.

A section of special interest if we want to be up-to-date on trends in the sector from a technological perspective.

5.- Side Events

The leading organizations in the sector organize courses, conferences and workshops. Conferences, courses, seminars … led by some of the main organizations, institutions, reference blogs and companies linked to the architecture and construction sector.

6.- McKinsey presents his report

On May 15 at 11 am, the report "Potential of advanced analytics in the infrastructure industry in Spain" will be presented.

Study presentation - McKinsey report conducted within the framework of BBConstrumat in which the current process of adoption of the new technologies and the degree of innovation in the Spanish construction sector.

7.- New E-Catalog

Your tool to find the brands, partners and proposals that interest you the most.

Utility section, where from HERE. Recommended for visitors, since in an easy and precise way you can find any company or product within the exhibition area of the fair on a map. Very useful!

8.- Interiors Lovers

Your Retail, Office, Hotel and Housing Forum. Our meeting on interior design. Days of meetings of professionals in the interior design sector seen from fields as close or different as Contract, Retail, Living space and Office workspaces.

Traditionally very differentiated sectors, but the trend makes their uses converge, breaking down their spatial and conceptual barriers. With speakers as interesting as:

9.- Future House

Research projects led by universities and technology centers around the world. The following 5 themes will be the main axes for the development of the house of the future …

  • Advanced materials and bio
  • Robotics and advanced construction
  • IoT and Big Data
  • BIM, Augmented / Virtual / Mixed Reality
  • Circular economy

Great environmental, social and economic challenges, along with advances in cybernetics and technologies, materials science, the Internet of Things, open source or the blockchain will affect the design and construction of our future houses. . It is necessary to visit this section!

10.- Congress "Logics of innovation and change"

A space for knowledge and debate on current architecture. They are the famous Talks. In this edition of Talks Arena the most relevant phenomena that happen to our society are reviewed, to rethink and teach other spatial, functional, professional, social or cultural logics that are oriented towards an expanded conception of architecture.

11.- The BIM Spot

BIM products and services companies, conferences, networking and presentation of BIM products. The space for professionals in the sector who have not yet been introduced to the famous BIM (Building Information Modeling), LEAN and IPD methodology. A knowledge space that will also have an exhibition area with companies specializing in this technology.

12.- The Professional Spot

New area for engineering, architecture and interior design offices. An area where professionals can offer their services. A comfortable, easy and inexpensive form of participation, with the collaboration of all professional associations in Spain.

What do you need when visiting Construmat?

First of all, wanting to meet people and network like crazy. It is a unique opportunity that is offered to us every year, so we must take advantage of it.

We recommend that you download the App, both so as not to miss the events and not to get lost, within the fair … You can access the App from HERE.

We leave you a simple Construmat fair map As a diagram to know the layout of the enclosure:

Please, do not forget the representation cards or all the merchandising that you can think of. Business opportunities can be in any corner of the fair, and enjoy!

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