App to count construction and warehouse material in 5 minutes - Green Ecologist

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App to automate counts

New technologies keep appearing that make our work in the architecture or engineering sector a little easier for us. Some more successful, and others less, but there they are as an option to use them.

Carrying out an audit or an inventory of material that we may have in the warehouse or on site "on site" can become a very tedious task, especially if we talk about small items; PVC material, pipes, bricks, reinforced, etc.

For a small company in the construction sector, the count may not be too long, but when it comes to large construction companies, huge construction sites or large warehouses, inventory control can be a real nightmare. Although we can already see some solutions …

This combination of technology based on artificial intelligence and a good idea can save us many hours of effort. And, this is where the Count Things App whose function is automate parts counting or whatever.

The idea of how it works is; we take a photo with the mobile of what we want to count. We point out an area that we want to number with the existing pieces, and the Artificial Intelligence algorithm begins to recognize and count them.

A recognition of the material and automatic posting from photos as we see in the following image:

For best results, as an option, the app to count objects from the mobile it uses what they call "templates", which are representative images of objects that the algorithm has previously analyzed.

Indeed, the application has many features to help us work consistently, including a version for Windows tablet and desktop PC. Some are:

  • Each item counted is marked in the resulting image, so we have clues as to what is being counted.
  • The resulting images can be saved locally on the mobile device, in the cloud or sent.
  • Include the data in a custom form with the results of the count. Integration with API.
  • Multiple ways to integrate counting into a workflow.
  • Integration into an inventory tracking and reporting system.

Another of the capabilities of the CountThings from Photos app is to connect to Google Maps to count houses according to the area that we designate:

And there is also a automatic counting through videos for tablet and desktop version. In this case, you have to contact them to evaluate the applicability of the software for the use case (Also of interest is the apps article to make a sketch easily).

Actually, until now, mobile apps for counting objects, people or things they were quite manual; based on «click» or button on the screen and we add. And the others that they counted based on the photo, were directly a disappointment with a fairly poor technology. An example of a counting app

The same happened with the 3D technologies offered by mobile applications. Until we saw in the article about the 3D scanner with point cloud technology that works with LiDAR, crazy! Or augmented reality applications for decoration.

We already see that it is not the typical counter app what does he have screen pushbutton. The app to automate counts Count Things is not new, but, in its latest versions, it is already appreciated that the artificial intelligence algorithms that are being applied are much more successful.

Everything has a "but", and in this case it is the price, which is directly paid! Although, when creating a new account, you receive a 7-day free trial to have any counting template, something is something!

You can access the Count Things website from HERE (Access version is Spanish) to see everything it offers and what we can do with this software that will surely be useful for more than one user.

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