Surrealism with imaginative architecture

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Surreal architecture and collage

Architecture is the triumph of the imagination! … according to Frank Lloyd Wright and it is that the works of many architects and artists walk a fine line between "constructive impossibility" and the architectural surrealism Of his works. Representatives of the surreal architecture there are many, although the "master of masters", Antonio Gaudí who with the power of imagination and good art knew how to channel projects of surreal buildings and works with impossible geometry and volumes. But… What about those who cannot bring their architectural imagination to physical reality?

In this case we want to present you two icons - in our opinion - two exponents of surrealist architecture that does not use concrete or bricks to express its surreal ideas and constructions. Their weapons are glue and photographic paper, an order, sharp scissors and some good photos to be able to portray what others do not see.

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Surrealism and royal architecture

Victor Enrich defines his works as a mix between Photography and Digital Retouching … "It shows a dreamlike version of reality that invites us to fantasize between real architecture and the dream of impossible structures". And is that the Photography of this Barcelona artist goes a long way. Impossible buildings that bend like accordions or unsustainable structures make up the works of this artist based on real spaces and landscapes from around the world forming a surreal collage with forceful character.

Buildings turned upside down, bent, deformed, form a row of works that pierce the imagination of any observer before thearchitectural colleges of the artist.

The works, half reality half fiction, are made based on computer programs and detailed retouching of his photographs, although, as Enrich adds, «The main tool are my eyes, without which it would be impossible to do what I do». «Behind the eyes, there are my hands and the computer, turned into an extension of them. To do them I do not need more than a square meter of table, an internet connection, and silence and stillness in my direct environment and the power of surrealism«, bill. (We can learn more about the artist from this article in the Elmundo newspaper)

Collage and imaginative architecture

The works of the German architect and creative Matthias Jung provide a reality of spaces. A surrealism in architecture of buildings and constructions with logical scales depending on the landscapes in which he works and combining them with colors that are similar between the construction-landscape binomial. The artist refers to his collages as«Short poems of architecture», which offer a fantastic and poetic perspective. Works that are both beautiful and puzzling, yet expressive, that defy logic and the laws of physics infantastic collages where thesurreal houses they could only exist in an alternate dimension

The imaginative photography of this German artist takes us to surreal landscapes and amazing where the building is only part of the visual spectacle.

The contrast of architectural styles are combined with natural elements in an unexpected way and with a superb harmony. The buildings are stacked on top of each other; trees that sprout from the roofs of opulent houses or cathedrals settled in deserted and dreamlike landscapes. These creative collages they invite viewers to envision new perspectives on the way we live.

Pictures of imaginative worlds where color and surreal building they enter into perfect symbiosis.

A note about the collage that we found very interesting:

«Collage is for architecture one of the fundamental strategies of his thought. For this reason, taking advantage of fragments of other architectures has depended not only on the scarcity of the available means but on a special temperament. The use of stolen fragments and intrusive forms has been a true source of vitality. The mosque of Córdoba, already a collage by itself by the recycling work of its structures and capitals, it is revitalized with the inclusion of a cathedral in its bosom. The same could be said of Giulio Romano's El palazzo de Té, where the collision of Renaissance fragments acquires a new logic thanks to the merit of its altered arrangement … The list is not infinite, nor is it precarious. » (By Santiago de Molina, more and interesting here)

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Links of interest:

  • Drawings to paint architecture
  • Environmental images
  • Images for projects
  • Google street view and urbanism.
  • Urban design manuals
  • Example of natural construction

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