Calculation of the shadow pattern on the facade of a balcony

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One of the key points in the shade pattern is the balconies. We analyze its calculation through a practical example with the CE3X.

With this example we are going to carry out a practical case to obtain the pattern of shadows thrown in a facade enclosure that is set back because it is a balcony, using the CE3X program. In this case the facade of the balcony is 6.54 m. long, 2.70 m free height and 2.97 m setback.

In this pattern we are going to include the own shadows thrown on said balcony, both by the two side walls and by the horizontal slab that covers it. This example is valid for both a single-family house and a block house. We start from a facade with a balcony whose orientation is southeast according to the following graph:

In the previous floor it can be seen how we have obtained the angles for the four points that the three planes that we consider to be remote objects are going to generate us, the abatement of points 2 and 3 has also been carried out to obtain the true magnitude of the angles of elevation, so that remote obstacles are defined according to the following table:

Remote Object


Horiz. Angle Azimuth (α)

Elevation angle (β)

Left side facade







Right side facade







Roof, Horizontal Floor













With this table we already have the necessary information to be able to enter the program and obtain the shadow pattern, then we go to the shadow definition tab, so that, through the general option, we enter the four necessary points for the definition of each of the three remote polygons or obstacles that we want to simulate.

1.- Polygon corresponding to the left lateral façade, through points P1 and P2.

2.- Polygon corresponding to the right lateral façade, through points P3 and P4.

3.- Horizontal slab to cover the balcony through points P1, P2, P3 and P4.

Once the shading patterns of the three planes that cast shade on our façade have been defined, we click to save the pattern, then close the Shadow Patterns window and go to the definition of the thermal envelope and associate it with the façade southeast the pattern defined for it, as indicated below:

With the completion of this post, we would like you to leave your opinions regarding the consideration of shadows thrown by obstacles typical of facades, about your experience in introducing them in the certificates, the doubts that have arisen in this process or any another type of approach that you will agree to take into account.

- Added on 07/12/2013 due to the comments in this post -

- Added on 07/18/2013 due to the comments in this post -

If you allow me, I am attaching the pattern of shadows on the solar chart that I think is correct from the PM point.

  • Cantilever slab. This is where the 75º is entered, because the shadow that is produced due to this overhang is the one that generates a vertical plane that begins at the height of P1 and P2 to infinity. In order not to put infinity, 75º is enough because the pattern already covers the entire solar chart at the top.

  • Left and right side wall (points P1 P2 and P3P4)

  • In addition, the effect of the facade should also be introduced from P3 to the right of the sketch that appears at the beginning of the exercise and from P2 to the left of the sketch.

In the following graphic I mark the effect of the facade from P2 to the left of the sketch. If it is not marked I think the sun is allowed to enter from behind and from behind there is the house. On the right side, it is not necessary to enter it since the solar chart is already covered in its entirety.

  • Area that is sunny from the PM point.

The way I see it, it is the area within the rectangle that you see below.

This graph tells us that the sun sunbathes the wall where the PM point is located in a hole defined by abscissa: azimuth -1º and -97º and ordinates: elevation 0º and 17º

The hours of real sunlight are defined by the lines of the solar chart that are within said surface.

As I understand it, the blue, green, red lines,… that are born and die on the abscissa axis represent the solar trajectory at different times of the year and the lines that intersect the hours of the day.

Thus, within the rectangle marked in red, we can see for each time of the year when the sun shines on the facade of the central point PM.

I think this describes the reality of the assumption of the exercise and if not, I can say that I really do not understand any of this.

From OVACEN we want to thank Antonio Lloret and Francisco Segado for being great professionals and collaborating so that we all learn a little more every day for the contribution of this latest documentation.

Article prepared by José Luis Morote Salmeron (Technical Architect - Energy Manager) Access to his website HERE, in collaboration with Follow us on Google+

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