Modern and healthy houses

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Design of modern houses and healthy buildings

The designs of modern houses constitute a conglomerate of coherent guidelines and the power to build or practice a modern architecture in the innovative homes Y current houses It is not at odds with the healthy aspect, what is more, with current technology we have an infinity of resources within reach that will provide us with healthy buildings and homes without requiring a significant extra financial outlay.

In many projects, when prioritizing the modern house constructionthat we all want to have, the "show", the container, is more important than the factors of habitability, health and comfort that the property must have before its user.

In this sense, we are going to reel off an essential guide to knowledge about the healthy houses for the architecture or construction professional - in our opinion - that provides us with the key points and their development for the modern and sustainable home design, of its facades, walls, facilities and other components from a healthier and more modern model.

Although in this article we do not go into the technological - electronic component that should have the modern homes current. The reality is that it will be a necessity and in the not too distant future.

The"Connected architecture" on the modern house. We talk about the concept of the Internet of things that we have already detailed all the points of interest in the reference article, it confirms enormous possibilities in the innovative housing from the future.

The need for modern and sustainable architecture

Buildings design, shape, produce and shape cities and create a large part of the urban habitat and the current home. During their life cycle (construction, employment, maintenance, rehabilitation, demolition …) they consume materials, energy, resources, generate waste and emissions, producing impacts on the urban environment and the environment.

The possibilities for improvement and reducing your ecological footprint in modern construction They are so extensive that we must propose how to make them more sustainable, essentially in the field of energy saving and efficiency and the fight against climate change, reducing the use of materials and saving water.

Let us remember that our lives spend between ninety and ninety-five percent of our time in: homes, jobs, places of leisure and culture … Temperature, humidity, lighting, other physical factors, chemical substances, biological factors, comfort, ergonomics … etc can determine our health strongly.

For this reason, we must learn to build healthy and efficient houses, to apply ahealthy architecture coherent. (Report presentation extract - Josep Santacreu Bonjoch)

Guide to modern, healthy houses and sustainable buildings

The guiding report we want to present "Healthy homes, sustainable buildings" It offers very graphic and easily understood aspects for anyone who wants to delve into the relevant aspects,techniques and the design of innovative houses with a healthy perspective, focuses on trying to understand what a modern house should have and in the "Healthy home concept" and their characteristics.

Healthy homes improve our health and PSYCHOLOGICAL state!

The report is produced and edited by DKV Seguros in collaboration with Ecodes (DKV's Health and Environment Observatory is part of the Healthy Life Institute, which is an initiative created to promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population , through the dissemination of information and training aimed at instilling healthy habits in the modern building design)

The manual on modern home design offers eight large blocks that are shelled in a total of 142 pages. Given the amount of information, we wanted to extract a small part of the most relevant points.

The conceptual approach of a sustainable, modern and healthy house

The present graph forms the generic concept that we must consider and the needs before a healthy building and sustainable. (Click on the image to enlarge)

In architecture and design, we must not forget both the fundamental principles of sanitation in C.E.A. WINSLOW as the 10 key factors to obtain buildings with adequate "health" and access tohealthy home.

How to transform the modern building cycle

This chapter could be one of the most important of the report and in which a series of key points of the features of the modern home that we want to recognize in the article:

  • The building cycle and sustainable construction
  • Rehabilitate before building
  • A key standard: the Technical Building Code
  • Buildings, energy, climate change and health
  • Efficiency, sustainability and health criteria in building design
  • Insulate yourself from cold, heat (and noise) on walls, roofs and windows
  • Avoiding the "cold wall" and "hot wall" effect of windows
  • Acoustic insulation, comfort and acoustic quality must go hand in hand
  • Wood, a healthy material that must also be sustainable
  • Ecological paints. A skin for your home without harming you or the environment
  • Renewable energies in homes and buildings
  • The energy certification of buildings
  • Green roofs and walls, covered with life
  • Voluntary certifications of construction and sustainable building

We add an infographic belonging to the report that we believe deserves its visualization dedicated to the criteria of efficiency, sustainability, and health in the design of innovative buildings.

"It must be taken into account that the flat or healthy single-family home sells, and it is a plus point in the real estate market for the sale of real estate" …

The green roofs and facades of modern houses

We must remember that the envelope is a key point, and that in addition to roofs, roofs and roofs, these elements of urban green can also be found on the walls of buildings, creating green walls and walls, authentic vertical gardens that make up modern facades.

In addition to their beauty, decorative character, freshness and humidity, which they can provide in the immediate environment, sometimes these walls are integrated with the building's air conditioning system, making the air intake through them.

This reduces the inlet air temperature and increases its humidity percentage thanks to the evapotranspiration of the plants.

Sustainable and efficient use of equipment and facilities

All innovative and current houses It has a large number of appliances. At this point the report acts and explains how to reduce energy expenditure and which points consume the most and we can identify in the following image:

Remember our article on how to save energy at home with more than 30 tips.

Air quality

We spend a large part of our time indoors, in our homes, workplaces, schools, or stores. Certain air pollutants can exist in high concentrations indoors. and they can cause medical problems (Of interest the article on possible damages that the air conditioning causes when used in excess).

As if that were not enough, an essential part of the outdoor air pollution migrates to the interior and affects its quality. The conditions of humidity, temperature, cleanliness and also hygiene are essential determinants in the quality of the indoor air of the building of the future.

The example of a modern house

Even if examples of modern houses we can find in abundance, in reality it is not necessary to have an excessive budget or use the latest technology to be able to obtain and build a innovative house that complies with the laws of welfare.

In this case, we moved to Uruguay to present a example of modern dwelling that meets the standards of health as well as comfort, bioclimatism, tradition and simplicity. Nicolás Pinto da Mota Architect created a summer house with the traditional form associated with the vernacular architecture of the countryside.

It is recommended to visit the bioclimatic houses design article where you will find both guides and manuals and techniques so appreciated.

Another example of modern house design We can do it from the next home where innovative design, quality materials and many aspects implemented in the home from the perspective of the most modern bioclimatism have been combined. Simplicity and wood go hand in hand!

Sometimes there is a need to take advantage of the entire interior space of the home or a large room and the following video deals with how to adapt a small home to perfection according to the modular concept of furniture.

Resources to design modern and coherent homes

How to design a modern residence It depends on many factors and from the documentation and manuals that we leave we can have a better perspective of how to implement the appropriate actions:

  • IDAE. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Practical guide to energy. Efficient and responsible consumption. IDAE. 2010 (3rd edition). HERE
  • More than 100 guides related to energy efficiency. From Audits, energy certification, energy saving, Passivhaus, thermography, insulation … etc. HERE
  • Basque government. IHOBE. Sustainable building and rehabilitation guide for innovative housing in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. Edition 2014. Central Publications Service of the Basque Government. 2014. HERE
  • The 30 manuals of sustainable urban design that you should know. HERE

The reference report with which this article has been produced can be found on the ECODES portal and viewed-downloaded from HERE in OVACEN. Highly recommended for the exposure of the information and the quality of the same, pretending to disseminate a technical guide on the modern house worthy of your attention.

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