The Pritzker Architecture Prize goes to RCR Arquitectes - Green Ecologist

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A Pritzker Prize for an Architecture Study

The most international and prestigious architecture award, the pritzker accolade, recognized as the Nobel for architects with his famed Vitruvian insignia on his medal… «Firmness (Firmitas), Beauty (Venustas) and Utility (Utilitas)», has fallen this year to the Catalan architecture studio RCR Arquitectes.

If we remember history, the last time the award fell in Spain was in 1996 on the master of masters of architecture, Rafael Moneo. But this year has undoubtedly been different, for the first time the individualism of an architect and his possible stardom is put aside in favor of working together. The architecture studio located in Olot, RCR Arquitectes, formed by a team of three architects; Ramon Vilalta, Rafael Aranda and Carme Pigem, have gathered the ability to surprise during three decades of profession in an architecture that overflows with poetry and physical beauty while maintaining the traditional values of construction and its function.

Although award-winning architects they are clear that another architect deserved it "Without a doubt, Enric Miralles" (We can learn more from the Foundation that bears his name). This is the first time that the award recognizes the professional trajectory of three architects and falls on a study (Previously there were duos of architects such as Sejima and Nishizawa or Herzog & de Meuron) that has crossed international borders to bring the best Spanish architecture around the world .

With the award awarded to the RCR study, the pritzker prize breaks the trend of recent years in the defense of more social architecture, such as those practiced by the award-winning Shigeru Ban on emergency constructions or the renowned Chilean Alejandro Aravena with the social housing that we already talked about in this article, architecture from poor to rich. Now it's your turn tribute to architecture from the spiritual and physical, to that architecture of detail that affects everyday life and its aesthetic aspects and pure beauty.

Let us remember that the philosophy of pritzker awards seeks to honor a living architect whose built work demonstrates his combined talent, commitment, vision, which have generated significant contributions to humanity in the built environment through architecture. A medal for architecture more alive!

Six hands have worked over many years and architectural projects where respect for the landscape and the environment has been a goal to be met, prevailing craftsmanship and detailed architecture, is what has elevated the RCR studio to the altar of the great modern architects. So, congratulations on the reward for effort and medal!

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