Compositions by the artist Escher come to life in a hotel - Green Ecologist

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The artist hotel Escher

Although the artist's name M.C. Escher Simple memory does not ring a bell, we are sure that you have stumbled upon one of its prints at some point in your life. His impossible drawings are recognizable from a distance and immediately make the viewer fall in love.

The works of the Dutch Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) have endured until today with twisted universes and disturbing places that show their powerful imagination and technique when creating their engravings.

There is a reason why some of the Escher lithographs were self-archived under the category of «impossible constructions«… They were never thought to exist, as the laws of physics would forbid it!

Until the architecture studio arrivedStudio 10. His latest project, rehabilitating a hotel includes the amazing stairs to nowhere by Escher. (See also article on stairs that I will never build)

The hotel The Other Place Guilin Litopia is a boutique hotel with 10 guest rooms, along the Li River in Pingle County (One of the main tourist destinations in China to enjoy nature).

Recently Studio 10 has renovated all its facilities where two rooms, Dream and Maze, are under the influence of Escher: the first, uses pale pink to create the illusion of an infinite space; the second, mixes 2D and 3D elements through a forest green palette.

Studio 10 founder Shi Zhou had long admired the Dutch artist's work, but his style had never been part of his architectural projects. It was during the first visit, when the rooms were still in unfinished concrete, that the angles and arches of the Belvedere lithograph (One of Escher's most celebrated impossible architectures) came to mind.

"We were standing in that space with unusually high 7.6-meter ceilings, with a gabled roof, and some dark thoughts began to arise."

Although the idea initially seemed crazy, the owner of the building already communicated to them that he wanted a “unique, otherworldly renovation” that was not related to the natural environment. That's where the opportunity to create an imaginary world dazzles both parties.

Remember that micro apartments with concrete pipes for mega-populated cities were also an original idea.

This is not to say that bringing it to life was an easy task. To achieve the dreamy effect they wanted, the team had to find clever ways to hide components that are reminiscent of everyday life, which is why lighting elements and electrical outlets are not immediately recognized.

Once the technical aspects of the hotel constructionIt was about communicating the instructions to some very puzzled local contractors. For example, anti-gravitational ladders lead to doors that function as semi-secret compartments.

Although traveling to hotel The Other Place Guilin Litopia It is not easy or cheap, we have options for it. You can book a room online with Trivago by looking at offers from this website or, if you are looking for a plane ticket, you can check flights from Momondo, a Spanish company specialized in international flights.

Of course, the effort has been worth it… The hotel rooms have been a success! The Other Place opened in November, and while the hotel has eight other rooms, the majority of Instagram-tagged photos are of people admiring the Dream and Maze rooms.

We can consult the project from Studio10.

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