How to Clean Your Home: Tips and Tricks to Disinfect Thoroughly

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Clean and disinfect home

The home cleaning It is always important, but, after the coronavirus situation, it has become even more accentuated, even going so far as to question some of our habits when tidy up the house.

In addition, not all spaces in the home should be cleaned in the same way, there are spaces or rooms that are more susceptible to harboring germs, and, therefore, need a deeper and more exhaustive disinfection.

At the time of disinfect the house, each one has its tricks, but you have to remember the experts; in habits, is the key so that cleaning the home does not become a nightmare.

The key to having a clean house of dirt, viruses and germs, are cleaning habits

I know that many of you are clear about the difference between cleaning and disinfecting, but in the face of the COVID 19 coronavirus, these terms take on even more importance. So we have created a small schematic to be clear:

Questions like: How long do I have to leave a product to work for it to work properly? How to disinfect home for coronavirus? In which rooms do I have to put more emphasis? How often is a deep cleaning necessary?

Many doubts arise at the time of disinfect the home, but don't worry, with this super guide on tips for how to clean a house you will have the answers you need.

How to disinfect the house from coronavirus?

Obviously, this is an issue that concerns us all, and before we delve into clean the rooms of the house. First, we want to remember some good home cleaning guidelines to help us prevent infections and possible infections of the coronavirus.

Remember: ventilating the house for a minimum of 5 minutes is important, clean the environment!

Indoor air in homes is very important for health. Two articles to learn more: Healthy and Modern Homes and 10 Tips for Creating Comfortable Homes.

Here, we must pay special attention to areas with the highest concentration of germs and those we touch most frequently:

Disinfect surfaces against coronavirus Germ level Disinfection frequency
Bathroom and kitchen faucets XX Recommended: Daily
Electronic devices (mobile, tablet, etc) XXXXXX Recommended: Daily
Knobs, handrails and switches XXXXX Recommended: Daily
Keyboards and desks XXXXX Recommended: Daily
Sponges and cloths XX Recommended: Daily

Remember to use disinfectant products (Here is a huge list from the Ministry of Health) and also this PAHO guide on recommendations for cleaning and disinfection of the house before COVD-19.

If you use bleach (Sodium hypochlorite, whose dissolution in water is known as bleach): mix 20 ml of bleach (3-5%) with 980 ml of water. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse.

For clean the house, follow the instructions on the labels and DO NOT mix bleach, soap, detergents or other cleaners, you can get a good scare !.

Bathroom and kitchen faucets

Throughout the day, we turn on and off the taps in the house several times, this is great for washing our hands and getting rid of the scab, but what about the grime? Do not forget to clean them, it is useless to clean your hands if to close the tap you touch it while it is dirty.

We must disinfect and clean well everything that we normally touch several times a day in the home

Electronics devices

The most used objects in our day to day, the mobile or the tablet is almost an extension of our body. And that's not all, these devices are in contact with all kinds of surfaces, therefore, they are a great source of dirt that must be constantly cleaned.

Knobs and switches

The household knobs and switches are used continuously throughout the day, by all members of the family. Our hands are in contact with all kinds of surfaces and all our dirt ends up there. It is essential to disinfect!

Keyboards and desks

The computer keyboard is one of the biggest pockets of germs and filth among the nooks, in addition to the desks, they spend a large part of the day. It is important to clean them frequently, even after each day.

Sponges and cloths

Sponges and cloths are the best allies for cleaning, but are they useful if they are dirty? If they are not clean enough there is little you can do with them, they will even be counterproductive, as you will drag the dirt they contain throughout the home. It is important to clean and disinfect them every time you use them, with detergents or some disinfectant.

Remember, that if there is contagion, at home and with the family, we should carry protection, so we recommend the article on types of anti COVID 19 masks.

Now that you know the surfaces that you must take into account and that, many times we forget, it is time to focus on knowing how to clean the rooms of the house like a pro.

How to clean the kitchen

The kitchen cleaning It is essential, this is where you cook, store food and where you prepare food, the whole family is in contact with this room. Therefore, that all your surfaces are pristine, clean and free of germs is of great importance.

First, you have to recognize which elements hide the most dirt in the kitchen:

Kitchen cleaning points Germ level Cleaning frequency Disinfection frequency
WORKTOP xxx after use weekly
BATTERY AND SINK xxx after use weekly
KITCHEN FAUCET xxx after use weekly
FRUIT CART xx periodic occasional
COOKING AREA: VITRO, GAS xx after use occasional
KITCHEN SEALS xx weekly occasional
CAMPAIGN x weekly occasional
FRIDGE xx weekly occasional
DISHWASHER xx periodic occasional
CUT BOARD xxx after use newspaper
TRASH CAN xxx weekly weekly
MICROWAVE OVEN xx after use occasional
KITCHEN FLOOR xx newspaper weekly
KNIVES, SCISSORS … xx after use occasional
FOOD DRAWERS xx periodic occasional

To begin, there are two essentials that cannot be missing from your kitchen cleaning kit: cleaning products for dishes and specific products for cleaning surfaces, but… What types of dirt do we find in the kitchen?

  • In the kitchen, it is advisable to avoid accumulating dirty dishes. Food scraps are an irresistible source for bacteria and together with stagnant water it causes bad odors.
  • It is recommended when we clean the house, tidy the utensils after each use of the kitchen. Once the countertop is clear, cleaning it will be much easier and more effective if we want to remove grease and oils. Help yourself with specific products.
  • Work surfaces like countertops and cutting boards are, although it may not seem like it, where more bacteria and grime accumulate. And don't forget about the sinks.
  • For daily cleaning use degreasers and multipurpose products for kitchens, also make sure that no traces of dirt accumulate in the corners, it is where more germs, mold and lime proliferate from the sink.
  • Cleaning the glass ceramic is with special products for this, the gas stoves, you will have to clean them using soap and water.

The glass-ceramic is cleaned with special products for this, and the stove with soap and water.

Home area Utensils Cleaning procedure Recommendation
Kitchen Gloves Put on your work clothes, don't forget to cover your head with a
net, cap or hat, wear gloves and mask if you use strong liquids
Use disinfectant according to what is indicated on the label
Cloth or sponge Start by opening windows and washing the dishes in the following order:
glasses, cups, cutlery, crockery, pots and pans. Put a little lemon
to the soap to avoid bad odors. Clean surfaces (Table, countertops, stove, hood, dishwasher)
Take out the trash whenever necessary
Broom Use a damp cloth with chosen disinfectant
Ragpicker Sweep away visible dirt
Disinfectant Mop with selected disinfectant

If you put a little lemon in the soap, you will avoid bad smells

At least once every month or two months, depending on the use of each kitchen, it is advisable to carry out a thorough cleaning of some elements of said room in the home.

  • Fridge. Empty the fridge to clean and disinfect its interior, numerous bacteria can proliferate here as this is where organic remains and food are stored.
  • Campaign. Use a grease remover to clean the kitchen hood on a regular basis, it is important to rinse with enough water to remove all the remains. Careless cleaning can create problems in its operation.
  • Oven. The dirt becomes quite strong in the oven due to the high temperatures, when it is turned on the remains dry out and grip the surface better. Apply an effective grease remover and leave it to work for the necessary time. It is important that you rinse it well or when you turn it on, smoke will come out.
  • Pantry or cabinets. Grease stains or dust are frequent on this kitchen surface, empty them from time to time and clean thoroughly with a specific product.

How to clean the bathroom

In the house cleaning, the bathroom is one of the spaces most used by all members of the family, being one of the most shared, it is important to know how to clean it effectively.

First, and as before, it is necessary to recognize which elements hide the most dirt in a bathroom:

Bathroom cleaning points Germ level Cleaning frequency Disinfection frequency
Taps xx newspaper weekly
BATHROOM COUNTER xx newspaper weekly
DRAIN xxx newspaper weekly
WC LID xx newspaper weekly
INDOOR WC xxx newspaper weekly
SHOWER / BATH / BIDET x newspaper weekly
TRASH CAN x weekly weekly
WATER BRUSH xxx weekly weekly
BRUSH HOLDERS xxx weekly weekly
TOOTHBRUSHES xx after use -

The main dirt that can be found in the bathroom are dust, organic residues, lime in the areas with harder water and soap residues.

In fact, it is one of the rooms with the highest probability of the appearance of mold, it appears in the corners, on the shower screen or in the joints due to its humid characteristics.

For thoroughly disinfect the bathroom the star product is the bleach or disinfectant products without bleach, all of them in a spray format to reach areas that are difficult to access, as well as using the exact amount of product.

Then… what steps should you follow to get a sparkling bathroom and disinfected?

  • Uses specific products for bathrooms, they are much more effective than multipurpose ones. You can help yourself with old towels or cloths to dry the products or rub on the surfaces of the bathroom.
  • Remove objects that can interfere with cleaning: soaps, brushes, towels, toiletry bag, etc.
  • Clean in the proper order. First the highest areas, sinks, showers and ends on the floor.
  • Apply the products that need the longest working time first. Like disinfectants, to eliminate bacteria and viruses. The same for the products inside the toilet, apply it and let them act.
  • Make sure to remove the lime. Encrusted lime is one of the most common problems in bathrooms, use anti-scale products and use a brush to remove it effectively.
Home area Utensils Cleaning procedure Recommendation when cleaning
Bath Gloves Gather the necessary utensils, supplies, and equipment for the
Bathroom cleaning. Put on the gloves
Use disinfectant according to what is indicated on the label
Broom Sweep away visible dirt Take out the trash whenever necessary
Mop Use a more disinfectant cloth chosen
Cloth or sponge Mop user plus sanitizer chosen
Utensils Cleaning procedure Recommendation when cleaning
Lavatory Gloves Put on gloves Use disinfectant according to what is indicated on the label
Disinfectant Use toilet disinfectant cleaner (Let stand 5-10 minutes) Cloth or sponge must be exclusively used for the toilet
Toilet swab Swab and flush Take out the trash whenever necessary
Cloth or sponge Clean exterior surfaces with a cloth or sponge with toilet disinfectant Clean the outside of the toilet with Disinfectant Wet Wipes

If from time to time you put a little bleach in the toilet water or WC, it will come in handy!

Most people, when cleaning the bathroom, focus on only a few surfaces such as the toilet, the floor or the sink. However, this is a mistake since there are other equally or more important to leave your bathroom sparkling.

Toilet cleaning

One of the biggest sources of dirt, filth and germs in the bathroom, although the biggest enemies of the toilet are humidity, lime and organic remains. The more often you have to clean them, the easier it will be because the dirt will not be too encrusted.

A cleaning trick for this piece of the bathroom is to start with this one, so you can let the products act for the necessary time while you clean the rest of the room. Do not focus only on the inside of the toilet, disinfect the contact areas such as the lid, the seat or the cistern.

Washbasin cleaning

A source of dirt accumulation, from toothpaste, hair to watermarks. Cleaning is simple: spray the product with or disinfectant and rub the cloth with a damp cloth. Rinse with plenty of water and pat dry with an old towel. Do it at least 4 times a week.

Cleaning brush

One of the spots in the bathroom with the highest level of bacteria and viruses, rinse well after each use. As a special trick, I recommend you put a dose of the disinfectant that you use for the bathroom in the container of the brush.

Tip: Put a small dose of disinfectant or bleach diluted in water in the brush container

Bathtub or shower cleaning

Along with mold, soap and shampoo residue, it's the most common shower mess. Don't worry, it's easy to clean, spray the cleaner on the surface and rub with a dry cloth.

Focus on removing the remains of hair masks or other cosmetics well, they are very slippery.

Cleaning joints

One of the most difficult areas to clean the bathroom, this is where the vast majority of mold accumulates due to its difficult access. To eliminate it, use specific products for mold with a fungicidal effect.

Apply the product, let it act for the time indicated on the label. The most important thing is to dry these joints well after washing or mold will reappear in no time.

Non-slip mat cleaning

It is convenient to disinfect and let the carpet of your shower tray dry from time to time, since mold is attached to it, it can easily appear on the surface. Use the disinfectant product, rinse and most importantly, let it dry well.

Shower screen cleaning

A good trick to keep your shower screen clean, even away from lime scale, is to use specific products with properties to repel water. This will help you keep your screen clean for longer.

Cleaning tiles

Apply the bathroom cleaner on the tiles, let the product work while you clean the rest of the bathroom and then dry with a dry cloth.

How to clean the bedrooms

The rooms are one of the spaces where all the members of your family spend the most time, but also one of the easiest rooms to clean. Great isn't it?

Let's see which elements hide the most dirt in the bedroom:

Bedroom cleaning points Germ level Cleaning frequency Disinfection frequency
TABLES xx weekly occasional
CARPETS x weekly occasional
BED SHEETS x weekly occasional
DECORATION CUSHIONS x occasional occasional
WARDROVE x occasional occasional
STORAGE BOXES x occasional occasional
SHOES x occasional occasional

Take a look at the 5 steps that are advisable to follow for a proper bedroom cleaning.

  • Ventilate the bedroom. It is important to ventilate the bedroom on a daily basis, it is one of the most livable rooms in the home, therefore good ventilation will make the bedroom environment much cleaner.
  • Order before cleaning. Dust is the main dirt in the bedroom, therefore, you should wipe furniture and objects frequently to keep this space in your house clean. Sorting the objects before cleaning will make the task easier, you can clean the objects while you order them and then the furniture so that everything is free of dust.
  • Keep your bedding clean. Change the sheets, pillowcases or duvets at least once a week. Bedding does not accumulate too much dirt, but it is advisable to change it with a normal wash program, long washes or high temperatures are not necessary.
  • Cleaning the bedroom floor. Before scrubbing, use a vacuum cleaner or broom, although if your floor is parquet or wood, you must be especially careful when mopping, it is important to drain the water well.
  • Regular cleaning of the cabinets. This area of the bedroom often goes unnoticed when cleaning, but frequent care is essential. It is true that when closed, less dust enters than the rest of the furniture in the room, but this does not mean that no dirt enters.

Tip: Once you finish cleaning the floor, let the brush and mop soak, with a little detergent or bleach

It is advisable to take out the clothes and clean them thoroughly at least 4 times a year. Remember that you keep the clothes you wear there and if they are dirty you are filling your body with dust particles unnecessarily.

How to clean other spaces in the home

You already know how to clean the most frequented spaces in the home, but what about the rest of the rooms?

Clean the dining room and living room

In general, sprucing up the dining room has no secrets. The main filth found is dust and with basic cleaning tools it will be as good as new. With special attention to:

Salon cleaning points Germ level Cleaning frequency Disinfection frequency
I USUALLY x newspaper weekly
SWITCHES xx weekly occasional
LAMPS x weekly weekly
HANDLES xx weekly weekly
DOOR KNOBS xxx newspaper newspaper
INTERCOM xxx weekly weekly

Of interest, see the article on how to decorate a dining room to achieve pleasant spaces.

Clean office or study area

The rooms of the house used as an office or study area are easy to clean, but it is advisable to place special emphasis on electronic devices such as keyboards or tablets, as they are in continuous contact with hands and other surfaces.

In the office and at home, vegetation brings health. Review the article on types of indoor plants to decorate, you will be surprised what can be done!

Clean your pet's area

Periodically cleaning your pet's area is essential, from cleaning his feeder to prevent the appearance of bacteria and viruses, to washing his towels and blankets at high temperatures. This will make the environment and air in the house much cleaner.

Clean children's play space

One of the most important, the floor must be shiny, even a daily cleaning is necessary since most children are on the floor all the time. Pay attention to their toys and shelves to clean these surfaces frequently.

You must pay special attention to clean:

Children area cleaning points Germ level Cleaning frequency Disinfection frequency
TOYS xx newspaper weekly
BOTTLES x after use newspaper
High chairs xx after use newspaper
Pacifiers x after use newspaper

And we remember that we have an extensive article on pool maintenance and how to clean the water throughout the year to keep it in perfect condition.

Cleaning according to material type

Special care must be taken when cleaning some materials, especially wood. In the following table we see how the different types of materials should be cleaned:

Cleaning according to material type Cleaning process
Marble floors First, they are swept and mopped with hot water, never use acids, detergent, or cleaning products, preferably they are waxed and polished
Wood floor They are swept daily, wipe them with a damp cloth or, failing that, prepared mop (from the night before, with red oil and put in a plastic bag) once a week; apply wax every six months, never scrub these types of floors
Mosaic floors Although they are very resistant, you must be careful not to use very aggressive products, because the material used in the joints is very weak
Ceramic floors They are cleaned with water and cleaning products for the floor, be careful, because with the blows it breaks
Vinyl flooring (linoleum and vinyl tile) They can be cleaned with water and mild cleaning fluid, with the mop or strand only dampened
Cobblestone floors They are simply washed with detergent and water, although it is recommended to put a few drops of criolin in the water
Vitro-floor and porcelain They are mopped with water and cleaning liquid with flavoring
Glass If they are very dirty and grungy, first remove all adhering dust with a damp cloth; later, with a sprayer, water is mixed with a small amount of ammonia and another of liquid soap, with this, the glass is sprayed and rubbed with a brush or cloth. The foam is removed with a hand squeegee and polished with a dry cloth (in stores there are special cloths for cleaning glass that you can also use).
Metal For this type of material, you should not use a lot of water, just wipe with a damp cloth and a dry one. For cleaning certain types of metals (silver, bronze, stainless steel) it is recommended to use cleaning products specialized in metals.
Aluminum Clean only with a damp cloth (you can use a mild soap)
Wood Wood with varnish, lacquer or protector: this type of wood can be cleaned by first removing the dust, then a wet flannel treated with special oil is passed to it to nourish it, finally, a dry cloth is used to remove the excess oil and give brightness. Never add the product directly to the surface.
Natural or porous woods: this type of wood is only cleaned with a dry flannel to remove dust, do not use oils because they stain.
High-gloss woods (used in pianos): dust is removed with a dry cloth, then a special wood spray is applied and with another dry flannel, it is polished.
Plastic To clean items and furniture, use a damp cloth and a dry cloth; If the plastic is very dirty, you can use scouring pad and bleach.
Formica It is only cleaned with a damp and a dry cloth, you must be careful because excess water spoils it.

To delve more deeply into the subject of material disinfection. There is a very good report with the title "Challenges and solutions of furniture, its materials, and spaces, in the fight against COVID-19" that is at the end of the article.

Summary table cleaning and information points

Cleaning manuals to learn more:

  • From KH7 they have a very good household cleaning and disinfection manual. Access from KK7.
  • Recommendations for cleaning the home in the face of COVID 19 from the Ministry of Health of Spain (It is very basic)
  • Several manuals with recommendations that deal with COVID 19 and disinfection in the home, in public spaces, shops, supermarkets, etc., as well as chemical safety in cleaning. From OPS and they are quality.
  • Good home maintenance and cleaning manual, can be consulted HERE.

Now you know the best techniques about cleaning the house effectively, the rooms and surfaces that you should not ignore and the recommended cleaning frequency. Irresistible tricks to have a shiny house.

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