The healthiest coworking office with 1000 plants - Green Ecologist

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Health coworking

Collaborative and flexible workspaces are becoming a more than recommended option for those "lonely" looking for a relatively inexpensive office with great features and the opportunity to meet new like-minded colleagues in an environment of constant creativity and work.

Let us remember that the concept of coworking waves collaborative offices They have become spaces of design and comfort where the user practically feels at home with the possibility of interacting with other professionals sharing the same job, expenses and breaking isolation, but … What can we do to increase productivity , reduce stress or improve occupant morale? Many ideas, but faced with a complex approach, the reality is that there is an easy and inexpensive solution.

From the architecture and interior design studio SelgasCano (José Selgas and Lucía Cano) they surprise us once again in the world of office design. Let us remember that they are the designers of the famous office of Serpentine Pavilion 2015 among many other outstanding interior design and decoration projects …

But this time from the city of Lisbon (Portugal) with the coworking project Second Home Lisboahave created a collaborative workspace that houses 1000 plants of different sizes moving away from the modern coworking that reflect a more minimalist style. The vegetation, not only gives the feeling of a vibrant office but also provides multiple benefits to users, both mentally, health or being able to breathe perfectly purified air, as a better damping of background noise.

The co working It is located on the top floor of a steel building dating from 1892. A historic building that houses a traditional market on the ground floor. The design of the office have used different tables and chairs with a curved shape - organic to give privacy to the different members.

The shape of the office is in "L" creating differentiated spaces; one for work and the other more open dedicated to relaxing, talking and multiple events. Members have access to private meeting rooms, a cafeteria, a library, as well as the added benefit of the "surf bus" that can take members to the beach before and after work.

Why have plants in the office

It should be taken into account that a study carried out by the Cardiff University School of Psychology on productivity in the office and its relationship with plants, concluded that the presence of plants in the different spaces of the office produces an important effect on the effectiveness of employees in the work increasing by 15% of the performance, on an environment where there are many plants of different sizes. Regardless of healthy appearance, employees are actually better at work and happier creating a more satisfying environment. We remember the article on modern and healthy houses where we already had well-being guidelines in the design of buildings and homes.

And actually the design of the pots or different objects that can house plants can be very good, as we already saw in the article about the most original flowerpot.

Also, thanks to plants, there is an interesting theory formulated by various psychologists called the "Attention restoration theory" which is based on the fact that our brains use a lot of energy in tasks that require direct attention, such as being in front of ordering many hours. That mental fatigue can only be restored in moments of rest, for example, when we sleep, but we can also refresh direct attention when our minds observe nature. Plants provide a kind of restorative distraction !!…. (Here more information on the subject)

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