How AI Answers in Writing 6 Architecture Questions You Will Be Surprised! - Green Ecologist

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Artificial Intelligence that writes about architecture

The artificial intelligence is already in many different fields of the architecture, above all, from the hand of the famous BIM software, but there is no talk about how he writes about architecture, construction, engineering or even renewables.

Can you imagine being able to write a complete article on an architecture topic by clicking on a single button. Well this already exists!

But, for this article and for simplicity. We put to the test how "smart" an AI can be by writing to a series of specific questions that we launch, from easy to difficult …

What is happening with Artificial Intelligence capable of writing

To put us in context. Last year the internet was revolutionized with a new “artificial neural network”Designed to write from minimum premises and understanding of the NLP (Natural Language Processing). Is he GPT-3.

This artificial intelligence does not copy text, it creates its own writing or definition from a context that we indicate.

To understand its importance, better watch the following video that explains it very well: From minute 3:11 if you want to go direct …

The company Open IA launched the GPT-3 tool based on artificial intelligence with an important feature; It has democratized it, that is, anyone can create an application - obviously paying - that is dedicated to creating texts using the GPT-3 as a base.

From here, many technology companies who are dedicated to offering an "automatic writing" for whoever is willing to pay; WriteSonic, Conversion AI, Neural TexT, Nichess, Copy AI, Copysmith, etc.

Out of curiosity, we have the Conversion AI tool that works with GPT-3… and put it to the test! We start with the questions …

How an AI Writes About Architecture (Questions and Answers)

We ask seven questions (More or less, from easy to difficult), on specific architecture topics to test how this powerful works AI in writing automation (The answer texts are copied verbatim):

1.- Question: What is a house?

AI response: A house is a structure with walls and a roof that usually includes furniture. The word "house" is sometimes used to refer to a family home or home, but it can also refer to structures that serve other functions.

It is a livable space, where people live, sleep, eat and do the things that make them happy. It can be a small apartment, a country house, a cabin or a castle. It can be made of wood, brick, stone or all those materials.

2.- Question: What are the foundations of a house from a construction point of view?

AI response: A foundation is the structural element of the foundation of a building that supports the load of the superstructure. The foundation provides a stable foundation that secures the building.

The purpose of the foundations is:

  • Provide a stable foundation to secure a building.
  • Provide a level surface for construction.
  • Provide a solid surface resistant to groundwater.
  • Provide a usable surface for footings and abutments.
  • Provide a surface resistant to groundwater.

3.- Question: What types of wooden parquet can we put in a house?

AI response: Wooden floors are the perfect choice, and parquet is one of the most popular types of wooden floors available. The parquet floor is made of wooden blocks that are cut into geometric shapes to look like a checkerboard. This type of flooring is durable, beautiful, and has a classic look.

There are many types of wooden parquet and it can be put in a house.

Among them are oak, beech, walnut, cherry, mahogany, red oak, maple, pine, fir, and cedar.
When it comes to which type is the best, it really is up to you.

Personally, I think oak is a good type of hardwood floor to put in a house.

Curious that he is able to answer us with … "Personally, I think that oak is a good type of wooden parquet"

4.- Question: What is a wind turbine for and what parts does it have?

AI response: Wind turbines are used to generate power by converting the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy.

Wind turbines operate on the principle of the windmill and can be used for the production of electricity.

A wind turbine has the following parts:

  • Nacelle: The nacelle is the housing for the gearbox, generator, and other electrical equipment. It is usually mounted on the top of the tower.
  • Tower: The tower must be tall enough to house the rotor blades.
  • Rotor Blades: The rotor blades are the power source for the turbine and are mounted on the turbine shaft, below the nacelle.
  • Gearbox: The gearbox is located inside the nacelle and is connected to the rotor blades.
  • Generator: The generator is located inside the nacelle and converts the energy generated by the rotor blades into mechanical and electrical energy.

5.- Question: The most common types of slabs in the construction of a residential building, advantages and disadvantages?

AI response: A floor is a structural component of a building. It can be made of concrete, precast concrete or a composite of other materials.

There are many types of floors. They are usually differentiated by the type of material used in their construction and by the type of foundation of the building.

The most common floors are that of precast panels and that of reinforced concrete.

  • The precast panel floor is made of precast concrete panels. It is easy to assemble and install. The downside is that the insulation is not good, and the installation of the subfloor is also problematic.
  • The reinforced concrete slab is made of reinforced concrete. It is not easy to install, but it is good in terms of insulation.
  • The beam and block floor is made of wooden beams and blocks. It is easy to install, but its cost is high.
  • The suspended floor is made by suspending the ground.

6.- Question: What carpentry in a house is better, wood, aluminum or PVC?

AI response: Homeowners can choose from many different materials for their projects, but the three most popular materials for joinery are wood, PVC, or aluminum.

Wood is the most traditional and popular material for joinery in the United States. The advantages of this material are that it is very durable and provides a traditional look.

PVC can be used as a substitute for wood in projects such as roofing, fencing, or house cladding. The advantages of this material are that it requires little maintenance, does not need to be stained or sealed, and does not warp or rot.

Aluminum is typically used for manufactured homes and is a lightweight metal that is strong and durable.

How these automatic writing tools work and limitations

The tools that we have named at the beginning, use the GPT-3 AI that have a series of limitations that we must know:

  • They are trained to write and their information base for Natural Language Processing is in the English language.
  • How the writing provided is in English, it is translated into Spanish with DeepL (See article on how to better translate Google texts and tools)
  • Their responses are three to five paragraphs maximum, limited in writing. It is an issue implemented by the company that created the GPT-3 so that no one becomes a "journalist" overnight.
  • The more the topic or context is defined, the better the result of the writing will be.

But… What can this artificial intelligence write about? In general, these tools provide the following capabilities:

For a web For digital advertising Articles and blog topics
Landing pages Facebook Ads AI Article Writer
Headings and titles Google Ads Blog Ideas, Introductions, and Outlines
Meta Descriptions SEO LinkedIn Ads Reformulation and expansion of content
Instagram Ads Article summaries
Twitter Ads Grammar correction
Readability checker
For Ecommerce and Store themes Writing for sales Other possibilities
Product descriptions Steps selling products Press releases
Sales emails Writing for "sales tunnel" (Sales Funnel) Biographies of companies and people
Ideas for startups
YouTube Titles
Growth ideas
Product names

And the topic of how they work, we better leave an outline for a faster understanding:

Although the results are quite consistent, obviously, there is still a lot of work to be done. But we can already see a near future where this type of artificial inference will be in our offices helping us in many tasks.

By the way, we have an extensive article on how artificial intelligence is affecting the field of architecture.

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