How to find the ideal house; 10 factors you should know - Green Ecologist

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Guide to find the ideal home

Buying a home, whether in Mexico, Madrid, London or anywhere, like any other purchase, involves making a decision. And probably, buying a property is one of the most important decisions we will make in our life.

Therefore, and although this is an eminently subjective act, the buy the ideal houseIt depends on each person - remember that what is important to you could be dispensable for another - we should meet a series of criteria to choose house.

In the perfect house, what is important to you could be dispensable for another

A good advisor, as a person who will know the client, will guide you until you find the ideal property that best suits your needs. Expanding the information in the excellent real estate guide: how to find a house or apartment through professionals in the real estate sector.

It is not a question of a scheme that we must follow when we find ourselves in this position, but rather, a series of factors to know how to find a house and make the most correct decision in choosing the property.

How to find the perfect house

There are numerous factors to take into account that can move us to one side or the other of the scale, so it is advisable to get the help of an advisor when choosing a property in Spain, Mexico or anywhere in the world.

Let us remember that we must have as much information as possible about the situation in which we find ourselves and the different alternatives that we can adopt. This will reduce uncertainty when making our decision about the ideal home.

So we must: seek, find and decide

As a summary and guide to the article, we want to show an infographic of the 10 essential factors of the perfect house what we should know:

At the time of search for a propertyFuture owners are usually clear about three factors: location, number of rooms / bathrooms, and price. If you are going to apply for a mortgage loan, the latter should be between 30 and 40% of the net income of the family unit.

These factors can result in a wide range of possibilities, so we are going to see different factors to know how to find a house

1.- Living in a flat or a house?

In many cases this decision will be conditioned by the location, since if we are clear about the place where we want to reside, the existing offer of one of the two types may be scarce.

If not, and we can choose, the decision is usually very personal, since when considering the advantages and disadvantages that one offers over the other, it depends a lot on the client: security, garden, size, swimming pool, maintenance costs, number of plants -stairs-, noise, neighbors, pets …

Remember, characteristics of an ideal home It should meet your personal needs or those of the family. Be objective and rational, look for the practical aspect! In the long run, it is appreciated.

2.- The location

Within the desired neighborhood, we can attend to the type of street in which the building is located. The distance and accessibility to the facilities that are important to us: green areas, schools, sports facilities, public transport, entertainment venues, parking lots, health centers, supermarkets …

As advice for the ideal house to liveIt is always important to take a tour of Google Maps, where it will indicate the facilities of the area in a general way:

For us, this aspect is important within the search and how to choose a house.

3. - Year of construction and condition of the house

Acquire a new or second-hand home. And within the second-hand you can decide between a property that is ready to move into or reform.

Nowadays, this last option is being taken into account, for several reasons: the location limits us to be able to choose a new-build home -there is a larger market for second-hand homes- and within the second-hand market, it is difficult to find a home that is ready to move in and adjusts to our needs and tastes.

We have to consider whether we can assume the future investments that we will need to make after the purchase. And not only the imminent expenses, but also those that we will make throughout the useful life of the ideal home.

4.- Views and luminosity

Having spaciousness, views and luminosity is usually an intangible value that considerably influences when it comes to feel comfortable in our residence.

Think What is your house like current … Would you like to have more light?

Having a home on the upper floors of the building always brings more advantages; less noise, more light, more ventilation, etc.

If the home is in a building, tall floors tend to be more attractive. And the type of hole in the walls is also related to the correct ventilation of the property.

5.- Facilities and quality of finishes

Electrical, gas, water, heating, air conditioning, water heater, armored doors, television antenna, Internet connection … Quality of kitchen furniture, toilets, sink, shower, taps, interior carpentry-doors-, exterior carpentry -windows-, built-in wardrobes, flooring …

Take a good look at the windows of the house. They are one of the most expensive elements of homes, which without being good, the advantages are important; less noise, savings in heating, etc.

You have to look and try, without fear, we do not want surprises after buy an idea homel.

6.- Distribution of the house

Another of the useful tips to buy a house is to verify a correct distribution, it makes the square meters of the house are better used and not too much surface is invested in areas such as corridors.

It is also usually taken into account that the day areas (kitchen, living room, dining room, terraces …) are separated from the night areas (bedrooms). Thus, the use of these common spaces is not annoying when trying to rest.

How many elements fall outside? … An important question before how to choose a home.

7.- Aesthetics

Whether we choose a house or a flat, let's not forget that the presentation letter of our home - the first thing we will see when we arrive - is the facade, its exterior appearance. And this predisposes us to have an attitude towards it.

From the interior perspective of a property, it is to taste, but be careful with the skills they use of how to sell a house quickly with home staging techniques. The aesthetics can change, but the materials, distribution, more or less light, no.

8.- Thermal and acoustic insulation

The importance of proper insulation of the home is clear, and the impact this has on comfort and well-being. Both are related, they are achieved through the choice of materials and suitable construction solutions and, in most cases, a correct thermal insulation implies that the home will also be well insulated acoustically.

Remember that you can consult the article on insulating material; types and properties used in building.

Thermal insulation is also related to the energy consumption of the home, so it considerably reduces the annual expense we spend on air conditioning and the impact this has on the environment.

For correct acoustic insulation, the sources of noise must be considered: source of external noise -any nuisance from the street-, source of internal noise -neighbors and different rooms of the house-.

And also, the nature of these noises: airborne noise -the waves from different sources collide with the enclosure and produce a vibration or are filtered directly-, impact noise -where an element collides with the structure, floors, ceilings or walls, which will produce vibration.

9.- Orientation

Here the one related to luminosity and energy consumption is analyzed. Remember that for the southern hemisphere the constant sun facade is the north orientation (for example in Mexico) and for the northern hemisphere the constant sun facade is the south orientation (for example Madrid).

The facades facing East and West also catch the sun's rays, although in less intensity and time. This intensity will vary in the summer and winter seasons.

For example, if we are in Spain, the east orientation receives sunlight in the early hours of the morning, when the house is colder.

The south orientation is the one that will have more incidence of the sun's rays throughout the day. The west orientation will allow the light to enter directly at the end of the day, when the house will be warmer. And the north orientation does not receive direct light, so it will have a soft and uniform luminosity throughout the day. Depending on whether the house is in a cold or hot place, it will help us to assess the best orientation.

When analyzing and considering all these aspects, we must be clear about the objectives to be achieved with the decision we adopt, that means clearly identifying and defining what our priorities are to acquire the perfect home.

You have to take into account all the alternatives and if there are not, keep looking for the ideal homeIt is important to be patient and know the market. Being advised and not rushing, will probably be the biggest investment we make throughout our lives.

10.- Emotional factor

Having attended to these rational factors. You also have to take into account the emotional factor: imagine how you would feel in the property you are about to acquire … Do you see it as a home to live in? And it is like that … you got it right!

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