A super luxury car vending machine

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The gigantic vending machine to buy luxury cars

To great salespeople, great ideas or at least that's what the architect and a dense group of engineers thought who designed and built a building that represents a super vending machine of luxury cars.

Facilitating the purchase or rental is always good, so you just have to arrive and ask for the luxury car - Ferraris, lamborghinis … etc - from the X floor, and take it home. Well, and some money in the checking account, of course!

Differentiating yourself from the competition are simply more sales or faster rentals and if you capture people's attention, then the better.

Here we have a perfect example of identity, creative design, imagination and good taste - depending on who looks at it - and of course making the most of space from the perspective of urban planning and advertising. We are talking about the Autobahn Motors (ABM) building, a futuristic vehicle showroom.

A building located in the pure chaos of the city of Singapore that has attracted the attention of many enthusiasts of the world of cars and of course, its neighbors, in front of a super automobile showcase of 15 floors that illuminates the horizon at dusk.

We remember that we already talked about another good idea about the pleasure of cleaning and washing a car in the city of Madrid before the sublime remodeling of a car wash.

From the urban and architectural perspective, we are facing an alternative solution to the serious parking and parking problems that the city of Singapore has with a population density of 7,680.77 inhabitants / km². City authorities are already beginning to figure out how the mechanized system can be applied from a public perspective.

3 years in the design of the project and its facilities have provided a parking building that can store 60 vehicles through an automated system that places the battery vehicles vertically in a spine. A automated garage that parks vehicles in less than two minutes.

"We had to meet our requirement of storing a large number of cars and at the same time we wanted to be creative and innovative," Gary Hong, CEO of Autobahn Motors told Reuters.

Images via Autobahn Motors

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