101 Free Architecture Magazines - Green Ecologist

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The best free online architecture magazines

If you are looking for the architecture magazines pdf of your dreams and that you do not pay for it, that is to say free, because this may be your place to discover and find some jewels that run in the holy field of the Internet.

We are not going to discover last month's number of major publications, but we are going to have access to hundreds of more than relevant magazines.

The following image is the perfect representation of the beginnings of plastic in 1956 architecture. House & House Magazine.

Modernist architecture and design magazines

The nonprofit North Carolina Nonprofit Organization is well known for its work in preserving, documenting, and promoting home design. Which also has one of the largest digital archives in the world specialized in 20th century architecture and design publications.

The Colossus has 1,300,000 million pages of content in specialized magazines

This organization with other partners have allied to create Colossus with hundreds of magazines to see (Download a bit on the web and click on the appropriate magazine) that represents the largest digital archive of modernist architecture magazines available to the general public, with more than 1,300,000 million pages of content…. Almost nothing!.

Although the visual of the content leaves much to be desired, I am referring to the design of the web, Here the container is not rewarded, but the good content and this overflows with its abundance with the compilation of free architecture magazines of which we have access.

And what are we going to find?… Well, articles from the most boring ones to the ones we always wanted to read from the great architects of history, going through the design or urban planning of the time.

We will find a visual that deserves to remember from those modern architecture magazines and many detailed plans, high-quality photographs, passing through the well-kept urban planning field (some monumental).

There are theoretical reflections of different projects and works, monographs that analyze the work of the best and most outstanding architects of the moment or characteristic of those buildings that we study today at the University.

Including some interior design magazines that reflect the good work of the interior designers and designers of the time published in its original version that although when seen now, it is still fashionable.

Some editions take time to load, patience! that there are many 170 pages of details in Pdf format.

We can literally get lost with the monthly or bimonthly publications of projects and works that we will find in the search, being that some have been the favorites of many people worldwide in the international arena

Architecture magazines in Spanish

I think I understand that we are clear that accessing a free architecture publication It will be through PDF and with some advertising if we are talking about quality publications. Sorry, I don't think they will send it home to us! …

So we started investigating the different magazines and digital formats online: (I know we have a 99% chance of leaving us many, so leave a comment to add them)

Actually, if we want to literally lose ourselves in hours and hours of reading, it is as simple as accessing Issuu but in a particular way.

We enter the portal and search "Architecture magazines" or if we want it in English "Magazines architecture" and then, we will click on «Stacks», which are folders created by users of the portal dedicated exclusively to the word we have searched for. To understand it better …

Remember that intellectual property laws are to be complied with!

We start with a Top Ten … D + A, The magazine Diseño + Arquitectura from Chile with a long history and quality everywhere… HERE.

FromArquine. A project founded in 1997 and dedicated to building architectural culture at its best. It has a free digital magazine of which we can delight … HERE.

A good contribution, a interior design and lifestyle magazine called Singulares. Quality both in graphics and topics to be discussed … HERE with many pages to review.

Another one on the net, Home… Good and with a long history since 2008! HERE.

From Chile we haveBifurcations… HERE. A journal of urban cultural studies. Good quality, although for this 2016 I think they do not continue publishing but it is worth taking a look at the previous numbers.

From Ecoconstruction, a little more specialized than normal and aimed more at sustainable and eco-friendly construction, materials… etc. HERE.

We must remember that many Official Colleges of architecture, engineering or technical architecture have their bulletins - magazines in free digital format and they are not always only for collegiate members.

Also, most of magazines in interior design or architectureto The best known have us test a few pages for free before buying them, so we can always take advantage of this situation to be up-to-date.

Architecture magazines in English

This section is the one that provides more information on the architectural theme in English We can obtain free thanks to different treaties of Universities and Institutions with different libraries around the world.

Why not start with the Top Ten specialized in architecture as it is from the library of the University of Braunschweig.

The University of Braunschweig has a treaty with different architecture publications from HERE Some more current than others and possibly some link does not work, but there is much much to see.

One of the best graphic magazines existing in the network,Uncube Magazine… HERE. Which also provides an excellent visual with fresh ideas.

From the Architectmagazine portal… HERE. With a long history and easy to visualize the online magazine.

From here they propose a compilation with access to 12 documents on graphic design, interior design, architecture … etc. An interesting combination!

Actually the list can be very long if we dive for a while on the internet… So give it a try!… Remember the issue with Issuu.

Mobile app for free architecture magazines

We are going to be frank and direct about what is of interest to an Internet network that offers us a thousand and one possibilities, but, in reality, they are not always good.

Just get off the app from mobile to Issuu available for iOS or Android, it is no longer just to view them on mobile and that this is possibly the best choice you can make, it is that we can also download or share images directly from the mobile. Definitely a good choice!…

A document search engine where there are many magazines

From the OVACEN website we have created a document search engine that filters Google information and that only returns results in PDF, Word, etc.

Although it is more focused on looking for information regarding regulations, technical documents, thesis, etc. The truth is that we do include in the search engine, for example, «architecture magazines»Or some title that we are looking for, we will easily find the magazine that we want to read.

The document search engine can be accessed from the following link and so that you have an idea of how it works, we leave the following scheme:

In the past it was more difficult to find good information on the Internet but this has changed dramatically and we must take advantage of this situation.

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