The infoxication of the energy certificate

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Confusion and information about the energy certificate. The infoxication.

The latest news from different important portals on the web demolish my favoritism to capitalism and one of its basic laws … "Supply and demand" and they intensify my vision - unclear - offered by these platforms. Two strong news that shake the energy certification sector, with the main title "The price war in the energy certificate" come to a conclusion more than unheard of from the disbelief of the Certified Technician, after tracking the network, certificates are offered at € 35 and € 30.

Although the quality of it is undoubtedly a denigration of the professionalism of the Technician … "Mr. Client, you can find energy certificates for € 35-€ 30" and I would add; pay no more !!… with the famous tagline of the Media Markt slogan “I am not a fool” or “This is no country for fools”.

Here I evoke Pommer's law … “A person's opinion can change after reading information about it on the Internet. The nature of change is such that it goes from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion ”… This is called Infoxication.

At the time in this portal we talked about how much should we charge for the drafting of an energy certificate ?. It is recognized that we have to pay bills, feed our little ones … etc. But Let's not look at the certifying technician who wears a rope around his neckLet's look at the passivity of the administration for informing, for promoting quality, for not adopting coherent measures as in many other countries … etc.

Let's look at the professional associations for their irresponsibility towards their payer, who instead of defending the interests of the members, put their hand in the religious payment of the monthly fee… .etc.

There is a story that I suppose many of you will know, the frog and the pot;…."If a frog is thrown into a pot of boiling water, it senses the deadly temperature, and will immediately jump out, escaping from the pot without burning itself. On the other hand, if initially we put water at room temperature in the pot, we add the frog, it remains so calm inside the container, but we do begin to heat the water little by little, the frog does not react abruptly but rather adjusts to the new water temperature until I lose consciousness and end up dead from the heat. "

Assimilable or not so much, we are getting that we end up accepting situations that should provoke a review of conscience or at least, the cry in the sky! The passivity that reigns in the energy certification sector is causing us to assume and despise our profession simply for not reacting and saying … Up to here!

At ground level, like a professional. For this year and the rest. Do not stay with the desire;… To protest, To change, To want, To be loved, To think, To create, To do, To stop doing, To move, To move, To undertake, To learn, To bet, To play, To risk, To To win, To lose, To kiss, To fuck, To ride, To shout, To shut up, To analyze, To understand, To understand, To feel, To write, To read, To be read, To paint, To be painted . To live!… (Poem or whatever you want to call it by Pedro Bravo)

A particular vision of the state of energy certification… By Pau.

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