Guidance on energy certification or any project

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How to obtain the orientation of a property exactly before an energy certificate or project.

This post is not aimed at quantifying the benefits or shortcomings of an adequate orientation in a property, we focus on obtaining the orientation exactly and unequivocally before the energy certificate and any other project that we can implement through plans in DXF since we are observing some irregularities or practices of doubtful reliability both in obtaining the orientation and the distances to neighboring buildings when we implement the shadow pattern in the certificate. Ultimately, the purpose is to minimize possible errors in writing.

Obtaining the orientation will be in the portal of the Virtual Cadastre Office and the objective is to obtain the cadastral DXF of the property to be certified in order to be able to adopt it later in the drawing program that we use.

The first and necessary thing is to obtain the electronic DNI or the digital signature of the Casa de Moneda y Timbre. We focus on the case of the digital signature due to its ease of acquisition, it is accessed through the Casa de Moneda y Timbre website. We must register as a user where they will identify us with a number, later we approach the Treasury or a delegation that will proceed to recognize our signature, in a short time we will receive an email with a small program to install on the computer that we want. Practically in 24 hours we have the signature at no cost.

With the digital signature installed on the computer, we access the cadastre through… HERE. According to the image we will click on «Consultation and massive download of data»

Later in «Search by location». Having the digital signature installed on our computer, it will ask us for authentication (our name will appear).

Once «Accepted» the following screen appears to obtain the cadastral data and the DXF. First we remember that you have to fill in the box indicated in the image … Ahem: For Energy certificate. And later we will look for the property, either by Cadastral Ref. Or manually.

In this example we search directly for Cadastral Ref. Obtaining the following image. Where the initials "FXCC" are to obtain the outline of the building quickly.

Once clicked on FXCC, two values appear:

-Download the FXCC from the plant.

-Unloading of the FXCC from the general plant with neighboring plants. (It must be taken into account that the plants of the adjoining buildings are downloaded separately)

We already have the building plan in DXF on our computer, we open it in Ahem: Autocad … And we proceed to carry out the appropriate tasks.

On the other hand normally we need what is the floor plan of our building and the contour of the neighboring buildings to make the shadow pattern exactly. So we directly use the following method.

Obtaining the plans of the building and adjacent to the energy certificate:

-We go directly to the «cadastral cartography» according to the previous image, where we will see our building and the surrounding areas. With the «measure» tool we mark the area that we want to designate as DXF. Later we will click on DXF as indicated in the image and a file is generated that is automatically downloaded to our computer.

We open the file in Autocad or the drawing editor that we have and the drawing will appear with different layers as indicated in the following image, we can now treat it to obtain the exact orientation.

To remember and it is very important to be clear about the degrees designated in the orientation that are specified in the Technical Code to adopt them when we write the energy certificate and that they are implemented in the application programs.

In our case we have implemented a template that we insert directly into the drawing saving time, as shown in the following image.

Note: The drawing obtained in Cadastre is in DXF. The process that we carry out is to reopen and save it directly to DWG and insert it as a block where we deem it appropriate, which will normally be where we have made the sketch of the asset to be certified in order to have all the elements in the same file.

Obviously each Certifying Technician will have his or her most exact or less accurate method for obtaining the guidelines, if it is worth noting that through the commented actions we can take advantage of the drawing to obtain more exact data in the calculation of the shadow pattern. Once you have practice, the truth is that it is fast and it is appreciated to have the drawing with the surrounding buildings.

What do you think? … It would be appreciated if you use any other method for the orientations or obtaining the plans, you would comment to be able to share it with our colleagues.

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