Shadow pattern - Energy Certificate.

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The pattern of shade and Sunshine in the Energy Certificate and Energy Efficiency.

Of course, one of the key points of the future Energy Certificate is the shadow pattern that many of us are presented as an abstract idea and that we must understand for a clear coherence in the drafting of Energy Certificates.

The sublime or main word is "Sunshine" whose definition would be: Study that allows us to determine in what periods of the year and at what times an urban space or the different planes of a building receive direct solar radiation "To understand Sunshine I recommend reading the present guideHere I think that it clarifies quite and in a simple way the behavior of the Sun and its different performance characteristics.

Another point of interest is “Sunshine measurement logic"You can also find more notes in the same link. To our credit, Sketchup was sometimes used a long time ago where you can visualize the shadows cast at any time of day and any day of the year, but obviously this program requires knowledge and work. Remembering that this software takes a lot of time, not very viable in the realization of an Energy Certificate with the simplified option for our future clients.

For this reason, we provide different tools -some more effective than others- that can help us to see more clearly the location of the Sun and its shadows. Recall that at the time there was talk of adding a generic observation in the Energy Certificate with reference to the shadow pattern, since the data collection will be mainly objective: "It is observed that the" Shadow Pattern "contemplated for the purposes of this Report refers to the best approximation that the Certifying Technician has been possible to obtain for the analyzed typology. Limited only to a generic data collection of the environment. " You can also access the calculation of shade pattern on a balcony.

  • Help tools for calculating the shadow pattern in the Energy Certificate:
  1. ESRL Global Monitoring Tools
  2. From (In Spanish) Highly recommended
  3. Calculation of Sunshine in Windows (Excel program to download)
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