Monitoring report of the energy certification sector

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ICAEN publishes the monitoring report of the energy certification sector

This month has been published in the ICAEN (Catalan Institute of Energy) one of the most complete reports that exists in Spain in relation to the energy certification sector, focusing on the evaluation and evolution of the reports after having registered the 100,000 Energy Certificates accounted for up to October 2013 according to the Report. (Last fact that puzzles me considering that in the news of the newspaper El PAÍS dated September 14, 2013 it spoke of 110,000 between Madrid and Catalonia (Here), but I suppose that this is another topic of discussion)

As the most significant data we can observe that in Catalonia, on average, around 5000 Certificates are registered per week.

Regarding the energy rating, it can be seen in the following image:

One fact that surprises me is that the The main reason why the energy efficiency certificate is issued is for the rental and not for the sale, we recognize that obviously more properties are rented but the difference reaches almost 19%, understanding that today both the landlord and the tenant are concerned about having all the documentation in order when they process the lease.

According to the type of property; 77% of energy certificates refer to dwellings in multi-family buildings (Flats) with 8% for blocks of flats, 7% for Tertiary and another 8% for single-family dwellings.

On the other hand, Certifying technicians are mostly Technical Architects with 47% followed by Architects with 35% and the rest for Engineers and other degrees, so we can affirm that most of the reports are made by technicians closely linked to the construction sector, inevitably in view of the crisis affecting the sector.

Access to the report from HERE.

As a rebound to the subject, I wanted to add an image of an article produced by the portal where it is designated -we speak of Catalonia- that 88.76% of rental properties that this portal has available do not have the energy certificate exposed to the public by what it is understood that the Certificate is not made until the moment of formalizing the contract if we refer to the ICAEN report where the rate of certificates for rent is high. The future tenant or consumer follows without understanding the purpose of the report and without assessing the energy rating of the property that rents…. Slap on the wrist for the relevant Administration, if we also add that we will soon have to pay the costs or fees for having breached the European Directive 2002/91 / EC on energy efficiency, it is already demoralizing.

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