Price of the real energy certificate in Spain

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Real analysis of the price of the energy certificate in Spain

This article represents the reality in the network, the reality of the cost orenergy certificate price offered by the different portals or companies when a potential client enters by searching different pages of the energy certification sector in Spain. We wanted to carry out a study putting ourselves in the place of the consumer, asking ourselves what is the usual price of a certificate for an average home of 50 m2 and 100 m2.

The search proposed on the Internet is by province, since in this way we obtain more exact values, taking into account that the offices or companies do not need travel that entails an added expense, so the reference prices obtained are representative of provincial cities. The goal is to find 50 websites that have the prices of the energy efficiency certificate exposed on the net. We have only included prices that we can see within the company's website or portal since reference searches on the Internet can see a price and when you enter another one is exposed. The prices analyzed do not belong to certifying technician directory portals or promotion portals such as Ahem; Groupon.

The energy certified budget contributed by the different postcards to the question of … How much does the certificate of efficiency cost?

The prices of the energy certificates found are as follows

Note: The "?" It belongs to those companies that have not been able to obtain a price for homes of 100 m2.

Conclusions on the cost and price of the energy certificate in Spain

  • There are portals that offer a specific price that we can view in the general Internet search, but when we enter the portal, other prices and rates appear in the certification reports. Facilitating a energy certificate budget different.
  • There are a large number of companies that They offer the drafting of the certificate between € 60-70 (Without VAT) in 50 m2 and € 80-90 (Without VAT) for homes of 100 m2.
  • A multitude of portals of our colleagues continue to appear where the use of the IDAE or the Ministry of Industry logo can be clearly observed, being totally prohibited without such Administrations giving permission.
  • We thought there was a difference from energy certified price between the north of Spain and the south. False!… We have been able to observe that the prices are very similar if not the same.
  • Many certification portals assign the same price of a certificate for a home of 50 m2 than one of 100 m2. Understanding that the cost of energy certificates it should vary.
  • Clearly there is a price war in the drafting of the energy efficiency certificate to obtain clients, more pronounced when the city is larger, mainly in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia.
  • About 80% of the cases the registration to obtain the energy label is included in the offered price of the certificate, even in those communities in which a payment is required for the granting of the energy label.
  • Around a 95% of the portals only offer the Report + Energy Label, without including any type of document, guide or annex as a complement to the Report (Be it explanatory guides of the Report, documents of energy efficiency measures at home or for the house or other aspects that may improve the information stated in the certificate)

Of course, healthy and free competition must be promoted among professional technicians or certifiers. Find technicians in the area that involves prices offered by energy certifiers more competitive and sweet potatoes but without losing sight of the quality of the report and the good work of the technician. Forget 30 Euro certificates, in the long run they lead to problems that we will end up paying more than.

We have a new free application to estimate the cost of production, by a competent technician, the energy efficiency certificate from …

As we can see, the average assigned prices is much lower than what some of us could imagine before the approval of Royal Decree 235/2013. If the relevant administrations do not intervene to change and regulate the world of energy certification in relation to prices in Spain, we will end up cracking and sinking our professionalism or credibility with future clients.

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