The clay brick in modern architecture - Green Ecologist

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When clay bricks improve architecture

When the family economy is scarce, the mind sharpens and more if we want to have our own house. There are many ideas in the world of architecture to lower costs and there are many examples of architectural imagination, but it is not always possible to find the balance between low cost, quality and good design.

This is where the clay brick of a lifetime, yes that many designers no longer want to see and that other architecture studios see the opportunity to establish a close link with housing, a new low-priced aesthetic on the modern brick without giving up quality, design or good taste, with multiple advantages and that harmonizes perfectly with the needs that we may have in our home.

Specialize or die!… This is the motto adopted by a young architecture studio called Tropical Space (Located in Vietnam) to gain a foothold in the construction market.First obsession, the clay bricks!… Apart from the well-known properties as a material, there is an unavoidable fact, its low manufacturing cost and that we can find it everywhere and in a thousand ways. If we also add the fact that our clients do not have many financial resources, this may be the first weapon to start a new trajectory in the world of architecture … It only remains, how to use them with consistency and good taste!

Three projects already executed confirm that the Vietnamese architecture studio is on the right track; The project Casa LT (His latest project), Casa Avispa and Casa Termitero. (Next image, correlative to the houses)

I know that more than one reader is thinking that they are of "poor aesthetics" but as we will see later, it is possible that the perception begins to change.

Other issues. What did each house cost to do?… So we want to show the budget for each one:

It is evident that prices cannot be compared with European countries, but it is possible to reason that applying this type of construction constitutes important savings.

His latest project, the LT House, a two-story single-family home. From the outside literally a cube (See also the architecture of the cube), there is no more, but if we go inside we will begin to discover corners, patios and spaces that present absolute harmony.

The second project is Casa Avispa, a single-family house between party walls. The protagonist is once again clay brick in a dwelling of four levels with a facade of 3.5 meters and about 7 of depth.

The third project, the Termitero House. Other single family Home and the largest in dimensions. We continue with the use ofbaked bricks and the walls have been executed using the palomero partition technique as in the two previous houses.

This rig, apart from providing the necessary natural lighting (See also natural lighting in architecture), also ensures that the home will remain thermally comfortable during seasonal changes. The house refers to the configuration of a termite mound, with a large communal area in the heart of the house that connects the different auxiliary programs.

We would like to leave a good story about him. craft brick. Where Dardo Valentini is interviewed, the owner of the only artisan clay brick kiln that currently exists in Argentina, and of the few that remain around the world. Quality and respect for traditions come together in a small documentary that is certainly worth seeing where it also shows the different techniques of how the bricks are made.

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