Architecture coloring pages and something else

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The drawing for coloring and painting book architecture

An idea, color, draw, a symbol and identity is what the examples of projects that we report in this article based on books of Coloring Pages where architecture plays a fundamental role …The paint It is one of the oldest activities of humanity but we rarely remember all its benefits.

Beyond the simple fun of remembering childhood moments, for children or not so young, it has been shown that the color And the activity that comes with it can be very stressful and beneficial. When we color, multiple parts of the brain are activated, we focus our attention on specific points, lines, curves that we have in the notebook, in addition to enhancing the imagination and creativity that many of us need so much in our daily work.

The video is part of the artist Matteo Muci who treats color and architecture in a splendid way in his illustrations. We remember that color is a practical function linked to architecture that results in a series of factors that we must know and that we already discussed in the article on the psychology of color and architecture to understand its importance in space and buildings.

Drawings to paint

Leaving aside the online coloring or through electronic elements, drawings of animals, Disney and princesses, Christmas and their etc. Creativity in the world of illustration and the adult drawings favors a series of new ideas, painting games, initiatives and coloring books that are surprising not only the smallest of the house, but are also reaching adults who seek to rescue sensations and quality entertainment with portraits and pictures to color.

Idea and concept, buildings to paint!… A guide to coloring the emblematic buildings of a city. A different way of knowing the urban fabric and its architectural icons from an unknown perspective. Graphic designer Jeremy Smith proposes two guides; Cleveland Architecture and Robert Maschke Architects, examples of coloring books and paint that attracts, without giving up that magic touch that represents a good project that goes further than "A map and a point" to recognize and learn about the architecture of a city like Cleveland in the State of Ohio, in the United States and that in addition, the whole family can participate in «painting cities». (More information from HERE or if you feel like it, to acquire it from the cartoonist's page HERE)

[Tweet «Drawings to paint the world and its most visual #architecture»]

Fantastic Cities is another onecoloring book that captivates, this time definitely for adults … The traditional mandala is transformed into city coloring pages with real urban scenes from a bird's eye view with a really detailed perspective in his sketches, architectural mandalas in black and white of the most famous cities in the world. Canadian author's work Steve McDonald, the book portrays and traces on its sheets from Jodhpur to Rio de Janeiro a splendid San Francisco with complex views (almost 60) of images of buildings to color. A game with a lot of art! …

Following in the wake of the line, the illustrated and cartoonist Zoe de las Cases proposes a trilogy of books to paint and shade that represent the network of three cities and their most popular everyday objects, Secret New York, Paris and Tokyo.

A example of a colored drawing gladly reference books is …

Convert photo to drawing

One of the qualities that the Internet can offer us is to turn a photo into a drawing to paint or shade. Free applications and image banks incoloring pages online there are many as well as image editing programs that pass a photograph to drawing and then we can print it but, really from our perspective, few tools are worthy of this ability. We have searched and searched until we find what we think is one of the best tools for the conversion and retouching of photographs in free format and without having to register and very easy to use.

We talk aboutbefunky.comAlthough part of it is English, for its simplicity it deserves a nomination. Capacities, many and among them the power turn an image into an illustration for painting and coloring to our liking in just three "clicks" with the possibility of downloading it without any watermark, totally free and able to print a drawing quickly.

Step-by-step example to convert photos to drawings

1.- First we must enter HERE and upload the photograph that we want to transform into a drawing from the "Upload" tab as indicated when you enter.

2.- We go to the left panel and where the "Star" is we can distinguish "Black and White", when we click we choose the tone.

3.- We go to the tab below the star and choose the option «Sketcher», inside we will choose «Sketcher-2» (The options that have a yellow star are paid) as in the following image:

And we already have our drawing with the possibility of coloring it in a very simple way. Now we save with «save», it is printed and let's get to work! … now we can Paint drawings (One tip is that when clicking on "Sketcher-2" we touch the color tone and line settings in the same window, you will see that it is very easy.)

Obviously this online application allows a wide range of possibilities that we can use for our projects. Remembering that we already investigated different image banks from the article quality image portals to be able to use them in our day to day life.

There are also tools to improve photo quality that work quickly to optimize them and improve their appearance.

Why paint or doodle

Although traditionally the act of Paint drawings or doing these scribbles in moments of leisure is associated with childhood, in reality there are multiple benefits and advantages for those assiduous people scribbling, sketches, quick drawings, makeshift diagrams or capturing an idea. An example is the study HERE where coincides that it helps us to remember, to find creative solutions and to process information in a better and more comfortable way.

Consultant and writer Sunni Brown is a staunch advocate for the scribble. From TED he shows us the doodling benefits.

TED Talk benefits of coloring and doodling

[Tweet «A #TED talk shows us the benefits of scribbling, painting or coloring #drawings»]

Although we no longer buy sketchbooks, or we cannot dedicate the time we would like to, this does not mean that we have to abandon the drawing completely.

Links of interest:

  • Surrealism and royal architecture
  • What is the golden ratio and its history
  • Creative recycling concept
  • Bioclimatic architecture example.
  • Creative recycling examples
  • LED lighting

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