Creative recycling projects and examples

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Recycling. Art projects and examples of creativity

The Recycle It is no longer an option, it is a necessity within a social coherence that needs to respect the environment with different actions and projects where the examples ofcreative recycling they take their highest value of expression and commitment.

The conjugation of the famous three "Rs" (RePensar, Recycle, Reduce) has become a more than valued attitude in a new market that demands a more ecological design, eco-designs and truly recycled products.

We already saw a perfect example of how to recycle plastic by building our own recycling machine. Now it's time to put a little imagination to reuse them.

Recycling concept

Although the definition of recyclingFrom a creative and therefore artistic point of view, we must remember that the context is broadened with the appearance of new key terms; design, art, reuse, research, innovation … etc.

One of the definitions that best reflects the recycling philosophy for its clarity, we find it from the hand of a philosopher, Edward BeBono … “It is about observing objects not only for what they are, but also for what they could become. Generally the same thing can be considered or examined from many aspects, and sometimes the less obvious points of view are those that are revealed as most useful. It never hurts, when a thing has been understood for what it is, to go deeper to see what else it could be »

We must remember that it is important to understand how the circular economy works where the life cycle of an object is reused with the famous Three Rs … reduce, reuse and recycle to reduce environmental impact.

Creative recycling projects

We can actually find a great variety of ideas in line with the Importance of recycling in a creative field, but there are examples where the art of transforming garbage has become a visual pleasure of harmony and beauty.

If we look at the sea, the world throws 8 million tons of garbage out of control. In reality, if we placed that garbage along the shores of the Earth, we would have literally five shopping bags filled with plastic in every 12 inches. This is where the creative recycling project by Alejandro Duran.

A. Duran is an artist living in Brooklyn, who decided to take a trip to an "idyllic" beach in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) to carry out a project that involved art, recycled materials and the environment with a clear allusion to the complaint.

The The artist decided to collect the garbage thrown on the beach, classify it by type, color and material, to later place it on the beach and portray it. All this with the aim of trying to graphically explore the inconveniences that overpopulation brings to the planet and denounce the excess of garbage in the sea.

Along the same lines, we also meet the artist Nuno Maya and Carole Purnelle with their sculpture "Plastic World". Recycled metal and plastic of the ocean are combined to show an Earth that is two meters in diameter.

At more creative recycling architecture or urban planning of spaces also has a place. Give a forgotten object a second use to recycle an urban space is a different proposal that comes from the hand of the artist Artur Bordalo with the project Bordalo II.

Sculpting images of animals from the composition of waste material is the work of this artist who wants to remind us that urban spaces can be reconverted into something else with a little imagination in addition to drawing attention to the waste production problems.

Creative recycling examples

Here, industrial design and the creativity of the artist come into force to see what others do not perceive in the art of recycling. A creative recycling example that dazzles us is Andrew Chivote's lamp called Lampster. Where an idea, an object to recycle and a good design represent an almost cult piece… A lamp with a lot of personality!

Remembering the technology recycling concept Given the huge amount of garbage and electronic waste that is produced every day, we present a proposal that we can even make at home. From the hand of the artist Nick Gentry we can see some very original paintings based on the recycling of 3.5 memory disks that are so forgotten and that many young people probably do not even know.

In this article we just want to remember that with a little imagination and initiative we can reuse and transform any object.

Links of interest:

  • Art and moving images
  • Collage and architecture
  • Beautiful nature and architecture images
  • What is google academico.
  • The greenest fridge
  • LED bulbs

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