Google Earth: How to Create Project Presentations in 5 Steps

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Presentations with Google Earth

Among the many tools that Google has free access, there is the Google Earth. Very similar to Google Maps, but with some different features, for example, seeing the buildings in a 3D environment from an aerial view.

The main view of the google earth map It is with orthophotographs (A photographic presentation of a land surface). We move and "navigate" in an environment more real to the observer, as if we were a bird.

Keeping this in mind … Can we create a catalog of our works, buildings, projects, and put them on the map? Well, directly, yes.

With Google Earth you can create an online presentation in 3D with the geolocated buildings that you have built

We can create presentations with Google Earth in the style of slides to show the client our architecture projects, and, in addition, it is totally free. You can see our example from HERE …

And it is quite realistic. We have created the following tutorial to present our catalog in Google Earth… Shall we start?

How to make a presentation in Google Earth

So that you don't waste time, you should follow the following steps to create a good exhibition of our projects:

1.- We need to collect information to put

For the Google presentations with satellite imagesFirst, consider what you want to present in the catalog, and then we will need several photos of each project and descriptive text (two to three paragraphs recommended). See example of needs:

The image above is just an example of how to create a Google Earth route with coherence, but the final design will depend on your needs.

2.- Access to Google Earth and better with a Google account

In order to create the presentation and view the global mappingAlthough it is not mandatory, it is better to enter through a Google account, so the created project will automatically be saved in Google Drive as a copy.

Highly recommended to enter through the computer. To access the application through the desktop from HERE, and you will immediately see the button «Run Google Earth». If it is with mobile, it will ask you to install the Google Earth App for Android or for Apple HERE.

3.- Create project

Go to the left panel and click on «projects» like the following image….

By clicking on the "create" button we have two options:

  • Google will save our project in Google Drive. The fastest way (Later, we can also download it to save in KML).
  • The option "create file in KML" is to save it on your computer. KML is a file format created to store geographic data and content, associated with Google Earth.

4.- Presentation options

As we have seen in the first point, a presentation consists of several slides or sliders in the style of a Power Point presentation and that, together, create an interactive 3D route.

For each window or slide, we can choose TABLE FORMS OF REPRESENTATION (In each of the representations, we can change their characteristics):

  • Search by site to add. We do not recommend this option, it is better to search manually and mark the point of our building or project.
  • Add bookmark. Recommended option where we will geolocate our project with a map pointer
  • Draw a line or shape. Recommended option, for example, to geolocate a parcel and draw its surroundings to position it.
  • Full screen slide. This option does not have a map view, only a large image is reflected with the description that we include. It is perfect for the first window as a presentation of the company, or the last one, as a closing.

You will see that it is easy edit a map in Google Earth. Each of the previous options has its own editing characteristics, although, broadly speaking, they are very similar. And three sections stand out:

  • Project information section. Where we add information about the project, photos and description.
  • Marker or pointer section. These are the characteristics of the signaling element - pointer - that we place on the map; height, icon type, colors, etc.
  • Viewer section. Represents the characteristics of the camera that the pointer is observing; position, height, turn, etc.

In the following image we can see the most notable points for create a project in Google Earth where we already add color, characteristics, photos, description, etc:

Watch out! When the images are uploaded they must be lightweight and optimized for the browser, otherwise, when passing the windows some may appear in "black". As an option, quality and weight can be adjusted quickly from this Google tool. You can also see our article to improve image quality with other options.

Remember: when uploading images for a project, they should weigh little so that the presentation is fluid

The route that we have presented at the beginning of OVACEN would be made up of five windows that we can move, delete, hide, etc:

Remember that we also have an article on how to see old street view getting a before and after look at a place.

5.- Share presentation

The easiest way to share a Google Earth project it is through a link. We can use this to link to a button on our website, share on social networks or send to customers:

As a point, I recommend that once you have the URL to share; first, open it with your browser. There, you will see that the first screen is the one that represents the summary of layers that the project has. The URL that is best for us is the one that when clicking on "Presentation" opens the window, use that URL! … This way, clients will see the presentation directly without going through the layer area.

Video summary

In this case, and as a summary, we have looked for a video with a simple explanation of how to take a tour on google earth:

Although we have not discussed it, this tool has many other options. From downloading the program itself, the Google earth pro, for our computer with interesting features, up to the Google Eart Studio You can already create more interactive and professional video, but this last one is only for educational organizations.

Google has many interesting applications that we can use for our projects. We have already shown how to take a tour of our works in 360º panoramic format with the virtual tour that is 100% free, you have to take advantage of it!

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