How to maintain and clean swimming pools; 12 Helpful Tips - Green Ecologist

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Tips for cleaning a pool and maintaining it all year round

In the summer, almost all of us enjoy our baths and dips in some kind of pond, artificial or not, but … so that the fun does not turn into disgust, a pool maintenance before, during and after use, without waiting for the last moment, since water is an ideal medium for the reproduction of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms, responsible for diseases and infections that can worsen.

In this reference guide we will see everything you need to understand how to clean a pool (Called Pool in Mexico or Pool in Argentina), its products, hygiene, the subject of purification and accessories to be able to enjoy it properly by reviewing the highlights of the maintenance that it must have throughout the year, be it summer or winter.

And remember, we have an article with the most original pools that will undoubtedly surprise you!

Components and parts of a swimming pool

We cannot practice a disinfection and hygiene of a swimming pool or a swimming pool if we do not know the system that makes it work and the volume, at least, in schematic mode. So we leave a small drawing that reflects the system of standard operation of pools traditional that anyone can have installed in their garden:

At installation, the pool water flow It will be sucked in by the pump, it will pass through the filter (Elimination of external elements such as leaves and impurities), then through the electrolytic cell (This mechanism is not always present) where the electrolysis process takes place and finally the disinfected water returns to the glass.

How to calculate the volume of water in a swimming pool?

This aspect is important to be able to choose the customized treatment with the chemical products to apply, the necessary pump, the filters and skimmers. In the following scheme we can test how to calculate the liters of a rectangular, oval or round pool:

Remember that the result will be in cubic meters of water, that is … How many liters can fit in the glass? It does not matter if it is one fiber pool made of glass and pylyester resin, of smooth concrete with the typical colored tiles, the value will be the same for the models of:

  • Volume of a rectangular pool. It is calculated by multiplying: Length x Width x Average depth
  • Volume in a round pool. It is calculated by multiplying: Diameter x Diameter x Average Depth x Coefficient (0.785)
  • Volume of an oval pool. It is calculated by multiplying: Length x Width x Average depth x Coefficient (0.89)

Total liters of water = (Our calculated Volume data) m3 x 1,000 Liters / m3 = Total liters of water in the pool.

And at this point, it's time to see how to clean a pool and what do we have to take into account …

Pool maintenance

In this section we provide an outline and explain the steps to be carried out, whether you have practiced «wintering » (Referring to chemical treatment for maintain the pool during winter), as if not, the tasks would be:

Fine tunning

By now you're probably thinking, why do I have to bother scrubbing or cleaning when I add bleach or other sanitizing chemicals to the water? It is a valid question, and we have an answer.

Think of it this way. When you shower, you use soap and shampoo, which are cleaning agents. But does your bathtub stay clean indefinitely? Of course not. The shampoo and soap are for cleaning your body, not tile, porcelain, or fiberglass. In the pool cleaning, the same thing happens.

Chemicals will not keep leaves and insects out of the water, nor will they keep walls and floors clean indefinitely. So there are no excuses.

In addition to using chlorine or other chemicals to maintain the pool cleaning, it is also absolutely necessary practice regular and thorough disinfection of the construction itself.

In the setting up a small pool or large, there are a series of steps that we should verify and practice with consistency:

  1. Clean the walls and bottom of the glass
  2. Wash the filter system in depth and the skimmers
  3. Fill the pool
  4. Regulate the pH value of the pool water
  5. Apply the water treatment, be it chlorine or salt
  6. Keeping the water transparent and without algae

In a more complete way with images we see how to clean swimming pools Step by Step:

The infographic above explains the key points. It is from Leroy Merlin, who have a very good reference guide although products for sale appear, it is very useful HERE for your consultation.

Now, touch the facilities …

Filtration and water circulation

The filter system in a swimming pool It is not that complicated either, but we must understand the function of each element; Skimmers, sump, suction nozzle, impulsion nozzles, pump, valve, pre-filter and filter, electrical panel and piping system.

The filtration system is various devices that are responsible for clarify the water and filter it by retaining those particles that we do not want to be and returning a totally clean water. The characteristics are:

Keep in mind that in the maintenance of removable, prefabricated or small pools, they do not always present such a complex circulation system. Here it plays what we have spent in the construction or purchase.

How to maintain the filter system of a swimming pool?

The place and location of the pool - pool. We will have a greater maintenance if it is surrounded by trees, grass or sand, than if it is surrounded by concrete or wood, or if they are protected with pergolas or enclosed - automatic covers in the garden. (See article terrace enclosures, with useful tips and pergolas in the garden)

The time that the treatment plant will be running. The right time would be for us to pass all the water through the filter at least twice during the day. The ignition of a purifier is usually between 4 and 6 hours a day, if we see impurities and stains, then we will raise it to 7 - 8 Hours.

The pump may be the most important element in the entire installation. The amount of water that it is capable of sucking and driving is called "flow" and that will be in relation to the volume of the pool:

The size of the filter must be in relation to the power of the battery pump as we see in the previous image.

In modern pools we find the 6-way valve or tap next to the filter that controls the different maintenance operations in the circuit; wash, rinse, drain, recirculation or by-pass… etc.To understand how it works, we leave the following scheme:

In filter maintenance. Keep in mind that the slower the flow rate of the water that passes through the filter, the better the filtering will be … How to maintain and what to consider when using filters?

  • Sand filters- Backwash filter when pressure increases from 8 PSI to 10 PSI from initial reading.
  • Diatomaceous filters- Follow the filter instructions for backwashing.
  • Cartridge filter: Clean the filter following the filter instructions.

In the water circulation

  • Make sure all equipment is working properly and is in place.
  • Run the pump and filter for at least 4-8 hours a day.
  • Clean the filter with chemicals at least twice every season.
  • Clean the collection baskets and the hair and lint strainers (in pump).

Pool cleaners

  • The manual pool cleaners. It is the cheapest option but requires more physical effort and time. They also do not serve to remove those very small particles that the filter cannot retain.
  • Battery and hydraulic cleaners. These are able to move in the pile autonomously. They are not a good option for those glasses with a lot of slopes since they are designed for shallow and flat bottoms.
  • Electric cleaners. It is the most expensive option and they are suitable for all types of surfaces, they can even go up the walls of the glass. They are quite quiet and can be programmed, cleaning is more effective.

How often should you perform the maintenance of your pool?

The water is balanced when it is actually clean. The following table indicates some practical advice on the levels for a stable maintenance of your pool:

Parameters What is it? When to analyze Ideal range
pH A measure of the acidity of the water Twice a week 7,2 - 7,6
Free residual chlorine The amount of active chlorine in the water Every day 0.5 to 2 ppm
Total alkalinity (TA) The ability of water to maintain pH at an appropriate level Once a week 60 to 120 ppm
Calcium hardness (CH) The amount of calcium dissolved in the water Once a week Acceptable 200 to 1,000 ppm Ideal: 200 to 500 ppm
Cyanuric Acid Stabilizer (CYA) Measurement of chlorine's ability to be protected from the sun's ultraviolet rays (these rays decrease the chlorine in pool water) Twice a week Ideal range: 20 to 50 ppm Do not exceed 100 ppm

To clarify the acceptable values in the chemical parameters of water We provide the following table (Remember that these values are indicative and never replace local regulations, if applicable)

IMPORTANT: We provide some advice on how to use and instructions for applying the chemical products for the treatment of swimming pools:

Calculator and maintenance app

There are some tools that can be useful to us. For example, the following calculator to correct water parameters in relation to the volume of the pool that is simple and effective. We can see it from HERE.

There are also options for mobile phones, but, in Spanish, there is very little. It is a calculator for swimming pools in simple mode, which for many is sufficient.

The App for swimming pools SafePool365 It is directly one of the best: You can find it in the store for Android and for iOS from HERE.

As we can see in the following image, the adjustments are simple but we will have a complete vision of how the pool is and what solutions we can adopt with it. App for swimming pools.

Most frequent problems in the pool and possible solutions

In the following diagram we will see the most common anomaly treatments and the possible corrections or solutions. Remember that there are also professionals or specialized stores that can adequately advise us on a problem.

Trouble Cause Solutions
High combined chlorine Poor chlorination. Presence of organic matter and nitrogen compounds (Ammonia) Adjust chlorine levels. Cleaning the filters. Bathers hygiene. Possible shock treatment Incorporate UV or Ozone
Irritation of the eyes and skin pH outside the recommended value. Combined chlorine too high. Presence of organic matter Adjust to pH 7.2 - 7.6. Decrease chloramines. Possible shock treatment
Green water Presence of algae Clean and remove algae by brushing. Adjust the pH between 7.2-7.6. Shock treatment. Add flocculant and filter for 24 hours. Finally, add double the amount of algaecide
Stains on the walls of the pool Presence of metal ions normally due to corrosion problems Rub and clean stains with a brush and a surface remover. Adjust pH Adjust alkalinity
Turbidity High water pH and alkalinity. Poor filtration Algae formation Raise the pH 7.8 Clean the filter. Add flocculant and stop the filter for 1 hour. Reset pH and alkalinity values. Maintain filtration for 10 hours straight
Foaming in the water Excess algaecides. Excess organic matter Shock treatment and subsequent adjustment of free chlorine Adjust pH Renew part of the pool water
Inlays on walls High concentration of calcium salts- (Hardness) pH too high Carry out a flocculation. Decrease to pH 7.2. Add antiscale products. Decrease the hardness of the water
Brown water Presence of iron or manganese particles Raise the pH to 7.8. Shock chlorination. Add flocculant. Pass the cleaner
Oxidation of metal parts Excessively low pH values. Low alkalinity Corrosion occurs on metal parts Adjust the pH to 7.2 - 7.5. Maintain Alkalinity between 60 - 125 mg / l
Slippery or green walls and floors Formation of algae on the walls and the floor. Improper disinfection Clean and remove algae by brushing. Adjust the pH between 7.2-7.6. Shock treatment. Add flocculant and leave to filter for 24 hours. Finally, add double the amount of algaecide. Maintain a correct residual disinfectant
Low hardness Make-up water. Contribution of chemical products. Pitting on the surface of the glass. Tendency to corrosion Add calcium chloride
High hardness Make-up water. Contribution of chemical products. Inlays Block Filters Substitution of a part of the pool water for another of less hardness. It can also be achieved by adding chelating or sequestering products that help keep calcium salts dissolved.
Low alkalinity Make-up water. Low pH chemical supply Add sodium carbonate or bicarbonate to the water. (Alkaline substances)
High alkalinity Make-up water. Supply of high pH chemicals Add sodium bisulfite or hydrochloric acid (acidic substances)

Pool maintenance recommendations for COVID19

In order to minimize the potential for transmission of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and to provide a safe and healthy environment in the facilities. It must be understood that different recommendations have been put in place that, although they are aimed at the opening of swimming pools for sports use and recreational pools, it is interesting to know them for the private sphere.

Although according to the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) contagion by Covid-19 in water is unlikely, as this official document outlines, we must be cautious!

The reference document and recommendations published by the Ministry of Health is this PDF (We recommend reading it). As a summary and conclusions of the report:

  • The risks associated with COVID-19 are related to the interaction between people who go to the swimming pools. The most effective measures to avoid the transmission of the virus are social distancing and the reinforcement of hand and respiratory hygiene.
  • Daily cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and common areas is essential - necessary to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • To eliminate the virus, it is necessary to correctly maintain the treatment and levels of residual disinfectant in the water in the glasses and showers.
  • To prevent the transmission of the virus, users and workers must comply with social distance measures, comply with hygiene regulations and apply technical criteria for maintenance, cleaning and disinfection.

Pool guides and manuals to learn more

  • If you have any questions regarding the quality of the water, remember that since Royal Decree 742/2013, of September 27, which establishes the technical and sanitary criteria for swimming pools there are the official data. At the bottom there is an annex - table on «Water quality indicator parameters«.
  • The theme of maintenance of community pools it is quite complex and complicated in its tasks. The Murcia health portal has an excellent catalog of very useful guides, files and manuals… We can consult HERE.
  • Pool self-control program guide from the Community of Madrid… We can see it from QUI.
  • From a catalog - Poolaria technical guide with very useful and well detailed information in a step-by-step style… Look from HERE.

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