Tool for energy certificates in the shadow pattern

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Help application or tool for energy certificates. Horizontal and vertical angles a facade with its own obstacles or balconies.

This spreadsheet constitutes a tool for energy certificates, an aid to obtain the calculation of horizontal and vertical angles, when we have to model the shadow patterns of a facade with its own obstacles or balconies that cast a shadow on it.

As starting data, the case to be considered must be known (there are 4 in total, according to the graphical diagrams that go in the excel itself), the length of the facade panel on said balcony for cases 1, 2 and 3 and the length of the balcony or upper overhang in case 4, the depth of the flight, the free height of the balcony in cases 1, 2 and 3 or the free height from the floor of our balcony to the lower face of the balcony or upper flight for the case 4, and the angle of deviation from the perpendicular to the balcony facade with respect to the south.

The angles obtained correspond to three vertical planes that delimit the hole of the balcony (or in case 4 they are delimiting the three lower eaves of the upper balcony), and, depending on the case, they start at different heights, when the planes are simulating one of the walls The sides of the balcony are considered to start from the midpoint of the façade, that is, from an elevation of 0 degrees, while in the rest of the cases they start from a height defined by the lower eaves of the open balcony.

In all planes it is considered that the maximum angle of elevation is 75º since it is the maximum angle that the sun reaches according to the solar chart. In those planes in which the horizontal angles obtained are greater than -120º to the east and +120 to the west, the excel only considers the obstacle up to these angles.

Application of the tool for energy certificates: (Light blue color to enter the data)

Note: The Excel provided is the maximum size allowed in the insert for a web page. Calculations that can be performed are not saved in Excel. If you want to see it in full screen format HERE.

Example of calculation with the tool for energy certificates where we verify their use:

1- Example:

1.1- Introduction of sheet data and results screen:

1.1- Shading pattern generated in CE3X with the obtained angles:

2.- Example:

1.1- Introduction of sheet data and results screen:

1.2- Shading pattern generated in CE3X with the angles obtained:

Note: OVACEN is not responsible for the use that each technician can give this tool for energy certificates, because we consider that it is perfectly clarified by this information, (as well as with the examples provided) the scope of application of the same and the cases and conditions it covers.

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