How to practice quality neighborhood planning - Green Ecologist

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An example of creative neighborhood urbanism

Not always abandoned urban spaces in cities can facilitate their reuse and recycling for the benefit of the community and that neighborhood urbanism quality that we long for.

Sometimes it will be due to the legislation of the moment, others because the economy of the administrations is at a minimum and others, due to the lack of imagination of the pertinent urban planners in solving what final objective will have an excess and irregular space, which in many cases has become in a real garbage can under the neighbor's house.

Actually it could be a new opportunity to benefit a neighborhood if it is treated with an intelligent urbanism. We just need to adapt! … Or that is what a group of urban planners in the city of Bangkok thought, who have reconverted, conditioned and adjusted what nobody dared to recycle in the city, that "lost" urban space that nobody wants to see and always upset.

To have a general idea of Bangkok, it is the most populated city and capital of Thailand with more than 8 million people where if we include the metropolitan area it reaches 14 million, with a disproportionate combination of cultures, religions and ethnic groups. That is to say, an urban chaos but in a big way!

The periphery of the city has become an urban warehouse of alleys and corners impossible to deal with if you want to be at peace with the community and neighborhoods, but which still has the basic needs that every neighborhood requires, recreational and recreational spaces!

From the architecture and urban planning studio AP Thailand they formalized a proposal for the recovery of the «lost urban space» that leaves no one indifferent … What could we do in this urban space with irregular shapes?

Naked eye. It is crazy to solve it with a balanced and rational proposal (See article How to evaluate urban sustainability), but with a little creativity we have a soccer field… Who said that soccer fields have to be rectangular!

The converted spaces have been consolidated as reference points for the communities!… Playful meeting places for young people where before there was only a lot full of filth.

«It is not only about planting a tree in an unused space, it is about seeing the possibilities, variants and being creative when faced with a problem and its needs. We have created reference points in impossible urban frameworks, which are representative, which are also variable in utility and which provide a palpable benefit to the neighborhoods »

A perfect example of a adaptive urbanism that represents icons and social landmarks without neglecting the forgotten spaces of the cities.

From the following video, although we do not understand anything by voice, we can imagine what this initiative has meant for a series of neighborhoods that are mainly marginal.

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