Are lightning and thunder dangerous?

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With the arrival of autumn, autumn storms also appear, so characteristic for their lightning and thunder. This can generate fear in some people since, in one way or another, stories have always been heard that speak of how dangerous storms can be and how likely it is that lightning could strike you or very close and hurt you. or even kill you.

However, do you really lightning and thunder are dangerous? If you want to know how dangerous they really are, and know some guidelines that will help you be safer in the event of a storm, keep reading Green Ecologist and we will tell you about it.

What are lightning and thunder

Lightning bolts are natural electrical discharges that take place in the sky as a result of the accumulation of static electricity during a storm. In this way, it is one of the natural meteorological phenomena. However, due to the fact that they are very powerful electrical discharges, when instead of traveling in the sky they end up impacting the ground surface, lightning can cause considerable damage. These damages can range from the destruction of architectural elements or the generation of fires to causing personal or animal damage, even reaching cause death when directly hit by lightning.

On the other hand, when we talk about the Thunders, we are referring to sound produced by lightning when scrolling. When the electricity in the form of plasma that makes up the lightning moves (either in the sky or when striking the surface) it displaces the air that is around it at high speed and causes a sudden and aggressive sound, which is what is called thunder. Thus, lightning and thunder always occur at the same time, since the lightning is the one that produces the thunder. However, even though lightning is dangerous, thunder is completely harmless, as it is merely a very intense sound that can only scare people and animals away.

If you want to learn more about the subject, do not hesitate to read this other Green Ecologist article about what thunder is and how it occurs.

Are lightning and thunder dangerous?

As we have seen, as they are only sound, thunder is not dangerous beyond the fright, fear or, even, the anxiety that people and animals can generate. However, lightning is dangerous when they hit the surface directly if it meets us in its path. It must be borne in mind that there are certain elements that must be taken into account when lightning strikes the ground, and that will be directly proportional to the damage it can cause.

First of all the lightning strike type, a direct impact will not be the same as an indirect one. That is to say, it will not be the same that a lightning strike directly against a person who is in the rain than that it does so a few meters from where they are. In this second case, the lightning will cause damage to the person, but it will be more likely to be damage from the shock wave than from the electrocution itself.

Likewise, another factor that must be taken into account is whether there are electrical insulating elements that prevent the lightning from reaching the ground. In this sense, if, for example, we were struck by lightning inside a car, because the rubber of the tires does not transmit electricity, the damage caused would be considerably less than if we were located in a structure that did, such as example a metal bridge or under a tree. Learn why it is so dangerous to shelter under a tree when there is a thunderstorm with this other Green Ecologist article on Why trees attract lightning.

On the other hand, it must also be taken into account that, in most urban areas, buildings have lightning rods. The lightning rods are structures similar to antennas that what they do is attract the rays towards them to discharge them in a safe ground. That is, they direct the beam from the sky to the ground to prevent it from causing damage. Thus, in an urban environment, it is quite difficult for lightning to cause considerable damage, since they are quite safe spaces thanks to the presence of lightning rods and ground connections in most buildings, especially the highest ones.

How to protect yourself from lightning in rural areas

On the contrary, in those places where there is no presence of lightning rods, or at least their number is not very high, it is true that lightning from electrical storms can pose a risk to our safety. However, this does not mean that you have to be alarmist, but it does take certain precautionary measures against lightning that will help us to be safer and make it difficult for us to be the target of these electric shocks.

The first thing we have to keep in mind if we are in a storm is seek a safe haven, that is, indoors. This refers to getting into some shelter, either a building or a car, to protect us from the storm and lightning. On the contrary, it is very important that let's avoid taking shelter under the trees, especially if it is solitary trees. Trees, being the highest points in country areas, act in a similar way to lightning rods, which makes them an easy target for lightning to hit them, and we take shelter near their trunk.

Second, it is also very important that we avoid acting as lightning rods ourselves. There are certain objects that can attract lightning, especially the metallic and elongated ones. A good example would be the ice ax or pegs that are used in mountaineering and hiking to help us on the way. In these cases, it is best to store them so that they cannot attract the rays and, above all, not to place them in a pointed way and that they protrude from the backpack. The same is true for any other object with similar characteristics, such as the famous "sticks selfie ".

Another element that we have to take into account is avoid using electrical appliances since they can attract rays. In this sense, both mobile phones and watches with an Internet connection should remain disconnected for the duration of the storm to avoid the possibility of attracting lightning.

In addition, it is also important avoid running in open field. If we move faster it will be easier to be the target of the rays that hit the surface. In the case of being in rural or country areas during a storm, it is best to seek shelter as soon as possible and, if you cannot find it, stay lying down or at ground level until the storm passes.

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