What are the inner and outer layers of the Earth for kids

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When we look at the earth from space, we see a large bluish sphere. This happens because most of our planet is covered by water. However, if we examine it more closely, we will see that, there are also large areas of brown and green terrain, and even white clouds floating in the sky.

This is because our planet is made up of a great variety of materials that are different from each other. Which are distributed in layers, so that those lighter materials occupy the outer layers, while the heavier ones make up the inner layers, giving rise to the structure of the earth. You want to know what are the inner and outer layers of the Earth for kids? In the following Green Ecologist article we will explain it to you!

Earth's inner layers for kids

The geosphere is the solid part that encompasses from the surface to the interior of the earth and it is composed, in turn, by the so-called internal layers, which are:

The crust

It is the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth and is divided into oceanic crust and continental crust. The oceanic crust is found at the bottom of seas, oceans and rivers and its thickness varies between 5 and 12 km, while the continental crust occupies the rest of the surface, continents and mountains and its thickness varies around 80 km approximately. This cape is composed mainly of different types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary).

The mantle

It is the layer located between the crust and the core and it extends to a depth of almost 3,000 km, making it the thickest layer on earth. It is divided into two parts:

  • Upper part: which is in a solid state and is where the tectonic plates are found, which are rigid plates of rock that float on the bottom.
  • Bottom part: in which due to high temperatures, solid matter melts and creates a molten mass known as magma.

This layer is composed of silicate rocks, which are richer in iron and magnesium than those existing in the crust.

The nucleus

Is the innermost layer which constitutes the structure of our planet and has a radius of about 3,500 km, that is, a size similar to that of the planet Mars and is divided into:

  • External nucleus: Due to the high temperatures it is in a liquid state and due to its composition it is responsible for the Earth's magnetic field.
  • Inner core: it is a kind of solid metal ball made up of the heaviest elements on the planet.

It is mainly made up of iron and nickel, with aggregates of copper, oxygen and sulfur.

In the following Green Ecologist article we explain what the geosphere and its parts are.

Earth's Hydrosphere for Kids

The hydrosphere is the layer of the Earth formed by water. It is made up primarily of oceans, but technically encompasses all aquatic areas of the planet, as are the inland seas, rivers, lakes and underground aquifers. It should be noted that, it is not only made up of liquid water, but it also contains water in other states such as snow or glaciers. In the following article we will explain to you what is the difference between oceans and seas.

What are the outer layers of the Earth for kids

The atmosphere is the gaseous layer that envelops the surface of the planet. It is made up of different gases commonly known as "air" (nitrogen, oxygen, and small amounts of other gases). It is approximately 1,000 km thick and is divided into five layers, called outer layers:

  • Troposphere: is the bottom layer that is in contact with the earth's surface, located between 10 and 12 km from the ground and is where meteorological phenomena occur. It has a thermal regulation function, since, without it, the thermal differences produced between day and night would be so great that we could not survive.
  • Stratosphere: is part of the inner zone of the atmosphere, it is between 10 km and 60 km in height and it is, in this layer, in which the airplanes move. It is characterized because in it, the temperature increases with altitude, unlike in the rest of the layers, because at the end of the stratosphere is the ozone layer that absorbs radiation from the sun.
  • Mesosphere: it extends from 50 km of altitude to about 80 km of height. In this layer, the temperature drops with altitude and can reach -80 ° C, being the coldest layer on the planet. It has a protective function as it destroys the vast majority of meteorites and asteroids before they can reach the earth's surface.
  • Ionosphere: begins about 80-90 km above the earth's surface and extends to the beginning of the exosphere. Contains a large number of electrically charged particles due to terrestrial radiation, influencing the propagation of radio waves between satellites and the earth and protecting us from dangerous external radiation.
  • Exosphere: is the outermost layer of the atmosphere, occupying from 580 km in height until reaching outer space. It constitutes the first line of defense of the planet against the rays of the sun and it is the perfect layer in which the satellites are placed.

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