Are there wolves in Argentina? - Find out!

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Wolves belong to the canine family. In Argentina, fossils of canids were found that inhabited their territories during the Pleistocene. These fossils belong to the species Protocyon troglodytes Y Protocyon scagliorum a large canid extinct thousands of years ago. On the other hand, the Falkland Islands were the habitat of the southern wolf or malvinero wolf (Dusicyon australis), a species whose size was intermediate between a wolf and a large fox. This animal was the only land mammal native to the Falkland Islands and was extinct during the 18th century by local ranchers.

From what has been described above, we know that at some point there were species of wolves in Argentina. But what is happening today? Are there wolves in Argentina? We will answer all these questions and more in this interesting article by Ecologist Verde, therefore, we encourage you to continue reading.

Are there wolves in Argentina or not?

Let's start by answering this simple question: yes, there are wolves that belong to the fauna of Argentina. It is the species commonly known as will water guazú (in guaraní) or maned wolf and whose scientific name is Chrysocyon brachyurus. Among Argentine animals we can also mention the sea lion (Otaria flavescens) that is distributed throughout the Argentine coast although, taxonomically speaking, it has nothing to do with the canidae family, that is, the family that groups foxes, coyotes, wolves and to which the aguará guazú belongs. Next, we will focus on the maned maned wolf or maned wolf and we will develop some characteristics of this magnificent Argentine animal.

  • Regarding its appearance, it presents a stylized and large body, in fact it is the largest of the canids of South America. Its fur is mostly reddish orange, although the area near the throat, the inside of the ears and the end of the tail are white while the snout, the mane and the ends of its legs are black.
  • With regard to its habits, it is rather nocturnal and twilight, during the day it is usually hidden. Their diet is omnivorous and ranges from fruits and roots to small rodents, lizards and birds. Here you can read about omnivorous Animals. In addition, on some occasions, in the absence of food, they can feed on carrion.
  • Unlike other species of canids, the mauve wow is lonely, at no time form herds. However, when they reach sexual maturity, they often live as a couple, sharing only the common territory.
  • To finish with this brief description, the maned guazú inhabits open environments, such as grasslands and floodplains with patches of palm groves and mountains. It has also been sighted in jungle areas.

Where are wolves in Argentina

The maned maned wolf or maned wolf has a wide distribution within South America. Its distribution includes southeastern Peru, a large part of Brazil, northeastern Bolivia, central-eastern Paraguay, northeastern Argentina, and a small fraction of Uruguay.

However, if you ask yourself precisely where do wolves live in Argentina, these are distributed by the provinces of:

  • Formosa.
  • Chaco.
  • Santiago del Estero.
  • Cordova.
  • Santa Fe.
  • Currents
  • Between rivers.

Wolves in danger of extinction in Argentina

In relation to state of conservation of the marsh guazú, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it is globally classified as almost threatened. However, in the different countries that its distribution encompasses, the state of conservation of the aguará guazú varies. For example, in Brazil it is classified as a vulnerable and endangered species (depending on the area), in Bolivia as a threatened species, in Paraguay it is extinct in some areas, in Uruguay there is not enough data to assess its status and in Argentina it is in danger of extinction.

From the aforementioned, we will detail the main causes that lead to the maned guazú being in danger of extinction in Argentina:

  • Destruction of their habitat due to the advance of the livestock agricultural frontier and urbanization.
  • Run over on routes and roads.
  • Illegal trade in their specimens and their capture as a pet.
  • Hunting their specimens since the species is considered harmful for feeding on small farm animals, such as chickens and chickens.

It should be clarified that the capture, hunting and commercialization of the maned guazú is prohibited throughout the Argentine territory and, to ensure its preservation, this species has been declared a Natural Monument in the provinces of Santa Fe, Chaco and Corrientes.

Currently, due to the critical state of its populations, the Aguará Guazú Program has been developed, mainly aimed at preserving the species and developing strategies for the conservation of its habitat. The program also focuses on the development of rescue activities for injured specimens and on activities that generate awareness and commitment on the part of rural residents.

Now that you have learned that there are wolves in Argentina and that it is only about this species, which is also in danger of extinction in the area, we encourage you to read about more Animals in danger of extinction in Argentina and also about the Flora and fauna of Argentina.

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  • Maned Wolf Token (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species:
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