12 Home Remedies for Flies - Effective and Easy

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Flies are those annoying insects that every time temperatures rise, they rush to our homes and gardens, with no apparent intention other than to hover around us tirelessly. The truth is that flies are one of the species with the greatest capacity for adaptation and, therefore, we can find them practically anywhere on the planet, with the exception of the poles and places at high altitudes. Any other environment and place, including urban areas, is inhabited by flies of different types. The problem with these insects is that they are not only annoying, but due to the way they feed, spitting digestive saliva on food and then sipping it, they are a great source of transmission of diseases, bacteria and undesirable elements. In addition, some species cause serious damage to animals or crops by biting or feeding on them.

However, flies have important functions in ecosystems. They serve as food for countless species and help break down organic matter, among other factors. For this reason, it is always preferable to use natural repellants for flies instead of eliminating them, although when there are pests it may be necessary. So if you want to learn home remedies for flies, join us in this Green Ecologist article.

Water bags

This is one of the most classic natural remedies so there are no flies, and we have all seen those terraces of bars or balconies of houses with transparent plastic bags hung, closed and filled with water. This is done precisely to prevent flies from approaching.

Although it may seem contradictory, since flies are always looking for humid places, it is one of the simplest ways to keep flies away. When light passes through the bag and the water it contains, it breaks down and reflects, thus produces flashes that annoy flies, basically in their vision and orientation, and they go elsewhere. The same happens with other animals.

CDs or mirrors

The digital age is advancing relentlessly and CDs already occupy basically the same place as old cassette tapes. However, there is still a good use left for them, and it is precisely how method to repel flies outdoors.

Yes you hang the CDs from the ceiling Or a clothesline, you can also use mirrors, so that the wind moves them at least slightly, the light will fall on them and produce reflections, in a similar way to what happens in the previous method, that of the bags. This will keep not only flies, but other animals, such as birds, away as well.

Thorough cleaning

This may seem very obvious, but it is worth remembering. The common fly o Musca domestica It has adapted to living among humans, and it feeds on all kinds of waste and scraps that we produce on a daily basis. Follow these cleaning tips to avoid flies at home:

  • To prevent them from coming to your home and proliferating in it, it is vital to keep all surfaces clean, especially those where you prepare food, cook or store it, keeping them free of residues.
  • It is also important to take out the trash as often as possible, and to close the bags tightly, as well as to have the trash can always closed and as clean as possible.
  • If you have pets at home, always immediately clean the remains of their stools or urine, which will also attract flies.
  • In the same way, avoid the accumulations of stagnant water, draining or drying any area with water, and repairing any leaks in your taps or pipes, as these areas are ideal for them.

Hygienic measures are doubly necessary when there are flies nearby, because if they land on your food or surfaces, they can contaminate them and transmit all kinds of diseases, some very dangerous for people and pets.

Lemon and cloves

Other homemade fly repellent that has been in use for a long time is lemon or other citrus and cloves. To prepare this repellent, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Get a lemon of any kind, which is in good condition, and cut it in half.
  2. Stick between eight and ten cloves in it (Syzygium aromaticum), the spice, not the hardware tool, and leave each half near windows or access areas where flies enter your home.
  3. The smell of the combination of lemon and spice will suffice to keep flies from getting too close, as the aroma repels them, even though it may be a good smell for us and can act as a natural air freshener.
  4. The downside of this method to eliminate flies inside the house is that the lemons dry quickly, and if you do not change them in a few 48 hours they will lose a lot of effectiveness. In reality, each ingredient already acts as a repellent, but together they will enhance the effect.

Garlic cloves

Another of the best known among the fly plants It is garlic, the smell of which will immediately ward off flies. As with the lemon and cloves method, simply place a peeled garlic clove near the windows and accesses through which the flies enter, or where we do not want them to approach.

Garlic has the disadvantage that it is not as pleasant a smell as lemon, but in return it takes longer to dry and stop smelling, so it is a remedy that will last longer. An extra tip is that if you see that it begins to diminish its effect, cut the garlic clove a little so that it releases more smell.

Aromatic plants against flies

The use of aromatic plants to ward off flies, mosquitoes and other insects It is something that hobbyists of gardening and horticulture have known for a long time. You can plant aromatic plants like citronella, lavender or eucalyptus and leave the pots near windows and entrances or plant them in the ground in key areas of your garden.

These plants, although they have a very pleasant smell for us, are very strong against a large number of insects, which when smelling them will avoid getting too close. Actually, here you can use almost any aromatic plant, since most of them have an anti-fly effect, and you can also harvest their leaves yourself and use them in your dishes and kitchen.

To learn more about these plants, you can read this other article Indoor and outdoor anti-fly plants.

Anti-fly essential oils

In the same way that aromatic plants can be grown on windows and balconies, their essential oils also work perfectly to keep flies and insects away, and they are even more powerful since they are concentrated. Can make a natural air freshener placing these essential oils in burners to leave in the areas that you do not want them to approach or, if you do not have an oil burner, you can impregnate cotton balls or strips of cloth in them and place or hang them in the areas to keep free of insects. Of course, if you use these last methods, you will have to renew the cotton balls or strips of cloth when they have completely dried, as well as put more oil on the burners when it is finished.

In this other post we explain how to make home air fresheners, so that you can choose the method that you like the most and use the most suitable essential oils to ward off flies, and also mosquitoes, such as eucalyptus, lavender or lemon.

Apple cider vinegar to repel flies

Apple cider vinegar, or other types of vinegar, is good for repel flies and other insects. Here we focus on how to use it for our dogs and, thus, protect them from annoying flies and other insects, since flies can transmit diseases to our pets, just like mosquitoes. However, this does not replace the usual deworming, for this you would have to discuss it well with the veterinarian, and it is rather an aid to this and a repellent that lasts for a short time, ideal to use it, for example, when exactly it you're going to take to the field. In addition, other advantages of apple cider vinegar for dogs are that it adds strength and shine to the coat and eliminates bad odors.

  • Dog shampoo and apple cider vinegar: One way to prevent insects from getting too close to your dog is to add apple cider vinegar to dog shampoo. Mix it with this with three parts of shampoo to one of vinegar and use it on their fur when bathing, leaving it to act for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off.
  • Apple cider vinegar alone: You can also put a few drops of vinegar directly on some points such as behind the ears or at the point of the cross on the back and at the base of the tail if you are going to take it to the field or the beach in areas where you know there are flies for a stronger effect. You can also use it like this if there is just a plague of flies where you live, so you help it to scare them away while the problem is solved.

Fly trap with water and sugar

While we have mentioned that a fly trap should never be the first choice, there are times when the pest is so numerous that there is no other choice. When it comes to figuring out how eliminate an infestation of flies, traps can be a very effective way to kill large numbers of these insects.

One of the simplest traps to prepare is the one made with water and sugar in a plastic bottle. You can use any regular water or soda bottle, as most of these are shaped properly.

  1. Start by cutting off the top third of the bottle, flip it over, and lay it over the bottom half, with the neck of the bottle pointing toward the bottom of the bottle.
  2. Secure the two pieces with masking tape, removing the joints between them.
  3. The next thing is to prepare the mixture, which is made by heating over low heat, in a pot, water with 5 tablespoons of white sugar. Stir the mixture well as it heats, making sure the sugar dissolves evenly. If it is too thick, add a little water.
  4. Once cool, pour the mixture into the bottle and place it outside, preferably in the sun, where you want to kill the flies. Keep it away from pets and children, as it will fill with dead flies, so you should also change it often.

Soap and vinegar fly trap

Another trap with a more elaborate mixture is the one prepared with vinegar, water, sugar, and dish soap, which we all have at home. You can use any vinegar, although the most common in these cases is apple.

With this trap you do not need to prepare a bottle as in the previous case, as a mixture of vinegar with water, sugar and a few drops of soap is used. When warmed to room temperature, the mixture will act on the insects. It can both repel flies due to the strong aroma it gives off, thanks to the vinegar, and attract them due to the water and sugar and, in this case, they will be trapped. Dishwashing soap reduces the surface tension of the water, which causes flies to fall into the mixture and cannot get out. Just a small bottle or container with the indicated mixture and leave it in the area where you want to prepare the trap.

Honey trap for flies

When it is said that something has a great capacity to attract, the expression "like flies to honey" is used. In this case, popular wisdom is more than right, and that is that few things have the ability to attract flies like honey, thanks to its high sugar content.

Use a mixture of honey, flour and water and leave it in small plates or containers, in view, where you want to eliminate an infestation of flies. The flying insects will come quickly and stay stuck in the trap, which you will have to clean and renew until you have controlled the plague and, then, use repellants to prevent many more from coming back.

Biological control of fly pests

If you are in a region where it is common for many flies to appear in warm and hot seasons, or even pests form, the most advisable thing is the biological control of pests, it is undoubtedly the most ecological way of reduce a pest without damaging the ecosystem. Thus, having close to animals that feed on flies, and other insects, will be the key. Try to have a suitable environment for these animals and not harm them, so they will feed and reduce the population of flies. Is about insectivorous birds, frogs, toads, dragons or lizards, etc..

Here you can learn more about Biological Pest Control: what it is, advantages, disadvantages and examples.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for flies, we recommend that you enter our category of natural remedies.

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